The NBC Today show did a story on my grandmother back in the 1980's. She became a doctor in 1958 after having four children and Ladies Home Journal did a story on her at that time. Finding a job was hard for her at the time and that is what led her to the little village of East Corinth Vermont. The NBC story was about her trying to find a replacement so she could retire. We had to watch the show at her house because we only got two channels at our place and 31 (NBC) wasn't one of them. (we only got Ch 3 out of Burlington and Ch 8 out of Maine). My dad borrowed a VCR from a co-worker and recorded it which I converted to DVD a few years back. Wow, Corinth is such a different place these days..............................
To bring this back onto topic, my grandfather (her husband) was of Scandinavian decent and taught me how to saw chainsaw in Finnish (something like motoren sawha) and the proper way to Jonsereds (yawn-sreds). My other grandfather taught me the wrong way to say it (jones-e-red). My two grandfathers were about as different as two people could be. One born in NYC and traveled the world, the other born on a hill farm in Topsham VT and probably only spent 5 nights away from the farm his whole life and died in the same house he was born in. I miss them both.