I got a JOns 70E when my old Homie xl-923 (The cheap one w/points ign, no auto oil pump) was getting on my nerves. 70E was a great saw, and I loved it, but I traded it for a 670 which is also great saw. I still have the 670, and a 621, a 90, as well as a 625, 2149, and a 2141. I had a 2083, until my wife donated it to church fundraiser; I replaced that with a Husky 395, because I could get a marvy price on the husky. I've regretted it ever since. Other huskies I have is are Frankensteins made of junkyard parts (why couldn't she have grabbed one of those?).
The 670 has had a heart transplant (272xp), but to be truthful, the extra 5cc didn't change it all that much. It's my main saw. The 625 came from a farm sale, to use while I was fixing the 670 (scrounging cheap/free parts) The 2149 is the only other Jonsy I've gotten new, but I did buy the 621 from the same dealer that had the 670 and 2149.
I started with Jonsered because a)I liked the styling, b) the Homie dealer was getting bugged about box stores cutting into his no-longer-profitable homeowner trade, and refused to push them. He had Husky and Jonsered too.
In the ensuing years this guy has moved more into husky, as Husky pushed harder and harder to make him carry more lawn goods; with all his $$$ tied up in Husky, it was harder and harder to fill the shelves with red. That made me angry (him too); the last saw I bought from him was the 2149, and I had to beg, as well as pay $60 more for it than the Husky 351 he had on the shelf. But it was worth it...Huskies and Stihls are getting like as$holes...everybody has one (IMO)!
I do like the F. handle better on the Jonsered; it may be only because I broke my left arm and wrist a long time ago, but The arm goes longer before getting tired and aching with a Jonsered over other saws I;ve tried (including the 268/266 Frankenstein).
Someone has mentioned that Husky is sometimes seen in box stores. My dealer related to me that the Husky rep told him several years ago that would never happen, but that Jonsered saws would be...obviously a tale, huh! A former poster on this board who was connected with the industry slipped a tidbit about Tilton having gotten one over on Elux years ago; There weren't many details, but Elux is somehow contractually obligated to supply Tilton with saws, and it was a bitter pill for the Elux board later on. That makes me smile, and I'll continue to buy red saws. My next one will be a 2159.
Oh...Husky 372, one of the all-time best-selling saws is getting hard to find, having been replaced with a series employing some newer technology for lowering emissions. The 365 may dissappear in a year or two. Jonsered still has the 2171 and the 2165, and Tilton may still have the high-revving 2163 too (although I think the 2163 price point is too high). If the 365 dissappears, a Jonsered dealer can bet on selling a ton of the 2171 and 2165 models. at least until Tilton runs out...