Hi Janet,
Aha, the wood made a difference! That's good! This is only my fourth winter heating with wood, and I did not fully understand "seasoned" wood when I started and now that I've learned, I've helped a few people who are new to wood heat learn it for themselves.
I thought the damper was strange/wrong, too, but wanted to walk through the problem one step at a time. For these stoves to burn cleanly, the air regulation has to happen in the stove via its controls. Restricting the stack removes the advantages that the stove's "clean burn" design gives you.
I'm burning a mix of ash, oak, and cherry this winter. Ash grows on my property (here in Hunterdon County) and I have a lot of it. All of this wood is well seasoned. It was stored outside, split, under a light tarp covering only the top, since it was split between one and two years ago. You have to see the difference that 1 or more years of seasoning makes to appreciate it, especially with oak.
Actually, I think that's what you're seeing now!
P.S. You're in Somerset, huh? I worked right around the corner from that little strip mall on Cedar Grove for a bunch of years. Used to live in Somerset County, too, but fled to Hunterdon for some land and a little "elbow room."