Tree Freak
Ahh yes, but I find the pain of thrusting and holding with one arm and sliding the hitch delightful I really do. I just wish I could learn to switch sides and hold with my left to strengthen that side of my body. You got the fat thing right, my belly is swelling; more than an inch pinch for sure, I would say my wife is good cook. I sometimes like to climb and sometimes don't but I know what I trust is the tree and rope and don't have to spend 2000.00 extra to do what is no problem even for my fattening azz![]()
Go ahead and slide up 85 feet of 1/2 inch 5 or 6 times a day. That'll tone ya up. I switch sides all the time and its 100% upward gain for every cycle, can stop and rest or even work on the way up AND it don't argue about moving BUT mainly I use the prussick thingamabob to come down and work around. For as much as I love to climb and for such i good job I do The Dan is not in one tree for long.
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