It bothers me quite a lot that CARB has the pull to essentially dictate policy in other states. I know they rule Cali with an iron fist, but the downhill roll into other states is steady and insidious. Look no further than those stupid vapor-proof nozzles on gas cans or the ridiculous concept of a "Partial-Zero Emissions Vehicle" to see what I mean. Still, the larger and more immediate impact to my work is ESA; we just got THREE new species listed on our property in the last year and the USFWS have yet to give us clear guidance on how they want us to change our practices to accommodate this fact. We're in a legal limbo where screw-ups could mean jail time, but there's no clear consensus on what exactly constitutes a "screw-up". Especially during fire season, this makes me nervous as hell. I don't want to lead my crew into trouble, but how can I avoid it if I don't know the rules?