ArboristSite Member
I drive to Indiana sunday to go get it. 10 hr drive. Can anyone tell me what to look for when I try this thing out? Thanks
Is the one u looked at in Indiana. Mine is a kohler gas engine. Now I'm already Regretting my purchase
If yer smart enough to cut trees down and not get hurt I'm sure you got the smarts to service a mini skid. Not anymore difficult then servicing a vehicle. Actually they are very simple. Lawnmower enginge and some hydraulics. Did I mention the support I recieved when I called the factory? Do not even think of bringing it to a dealer.Next I guess I'm going to have to find someone who knows how to service the machine in my area. Most people I talk to never even heard of ramrod.
wordBetween working 50-60 hrs a week at my full time job , doing estimates and the jobs they bring in, keeping 3 kids(6 weeks, 2, 12) and a wife happy, I find it hard to find much extra time for anything let alone trying be a mechanic. Don't get me wrong. I can do things I have to when I need to. Like you said I find myself being a macguiver more times then I like. I think my company is running at a pretty low cost. All my equipment is paid off and like I said I mostly only work on the weekends
Between working 50-60 hrs a week at my full time job , doing estimates and the jobs they bring in, keeping 3 kids(6 weeks, 2, 12) and a wife happy, I find it hard to find much extra time for anything let alone trying be a mechanic. Don't get me wrong. I can do things I have to when I need to. Like you said I find myself being a macguiver more times then I like. I think my company is running at a pretty low cost. All my equipment is paid off and like I said I mostly only work on the weekends
Ramrods are awesome machines. I have a 900T and a 910T (track). I use these machines to the extreme and they hold up well. Over the last 10 years I have no regrets of owning them and use one or the other almost daily. I have the PSI on the track machine cranked up to 3300 and today I loaded a log 22"x9' over the side of my trailer. Big results with a machine that can be hauled with a 1/2 ton pickup and a single axle trailer.
I love my min-skid steer. Carrying logs, moving trailers or the chipper. We call it "Thomas the extra ground guy". Actually it does the work of 3 or 4 extra guys. Our backs love this thing.
Congrats on the Ramrod purchase.