KDHotsaw needs a Logo

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I am not hot on the "yoda" but I think that (KD) and (FLAMES) should be there, and a bit of (Smoke); heck somebody had to tell me what movie this yoda guy was even in. Maybe I live just a bit too far in the woods.

I never heard of starwoods.
Ya, I guess us ole timers werent into starwoods that much. I think just KD Hotsaw with State and town, plus phone # and email address, but you might need a big decal to fit it all on.
What the hey, I will just attach it to my bald head.
you guys may have something with the flames thing, the yoda thing is very cool but it was simply a metaphor that put the hotsaw guys into catagories i had fun with, still not a bad idea. I also agree with Doug, why cant i have any artistic talent.

Ken perhaps... (smoke rolling out the ears) perhaps a small cartoon ken sitting on a powerhead as the bar is on the ground like a monocycle on crack or something like that. ah screw it i dont know but im sure we have some guys here that will come up with something.
Dang, Doug!!!!
You should have put a warning label on that! I about spit pizza all over the keyboard! Might make a good halloween mask, though. :p
Hey Doug, whats up with that??? Is there some reason why you could'nt have made the lettering in pink??? Get with it bro.
For what it's worth, after viewing those shots I think you have artistic talent!

I agree, Tony. Most high end things have simple logos and badges on them and a Ken Dunn hotsaw is a high end thing.
If You're talking about decals, they can be made one at a time in any configuration. I just don't know about cost.


Kind of personalizes the modifications and ID's the owner.
$'s for Linda..... I was just at o'KD's house the other day, it was really bad ..SAWS EVERYWHERE.. the inhumanity, box after box of carnage, could hardly contain myself. Really this is how a day goes at Kens. I was still in bed the wife was on her way to work, and came in to wake me with a kiss 6:00 am, rolled out of bed showered, threw an ice chest together, knowing that if I take some smoked Salmon to Linda that she won't mind if Ken and I play all day ( besides had to keep my beer cold ). Finally after traversing the fertial valley of Calif. I arrive 9:00 am Kens, after a short breafing by Ken about all the saws in the garage, we get down to some pet projects, 3hrs. later hunger had set in, and Ken said he was buying. So it was off to town, one short stop at Oroville saw and mower ( got to see if we can talk Paul out of some used saws) 2hrs later starvation was setting in, yes Shakeys just a block away.... Filled up big time. Going to head back to Kens...... but one more stop by the saw shop ( finally cut a deal on a 394 Husky ).Back at Kens few more modifications and some test cuts, definatly more power, now back in garage debriefing and massive amounts of bull, at the same time thinking about the journey home7:00 pm ..... 8:00 pm start saying good buy...................9:05 finally head for home............11:00 pm finally home, great day thanks Ken. P.S. I promise not to tell anyone about the Sach Stihl cross.
I like the simple route. How about "Power by Ken Dunn"?

There is a Chevy dealer in Grand Rapids that is well known for modifying COPO Camaros since the late '60s. The merits and drawbacks of Detroit muscle and Camaro's can be debated (though not in these parts), but the performance, relative to the technology, should speak for itself. Each one has a badge that identifies who did the mods, via a chrome badge on the tail of the car that says, "by Berger." They don't make mention of the HP gains, or anything else that would identify the vehicle as being enhanced, but the owner and anyone else in the know would.

The understated badge lets people who can appreciate fine workmanship know, and not draw attention otherwise.

That said, I still appreciate a custom flame job running down the sides of a Firebird, and a big, operational open-air ramcharger to let the thing breathe. The kid that did all that work still deserves a thumbs-up at the red light.

Anyhow, a simple white decal would say enough.