KDHotsaw needs a Logo

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I agree with Christian, Doug, and Tony, simple understatement is classier. Those "in the know" will recognize it, and everyone else who experiences a KD hotsaw will know who to contact. Russ
Hey Yodad, your gonna be hit with so many dekals, you'll think your in a graphics shop.
I was thinkin today that if you branded KD Hotsaw into wood grain, such as Tiger Birch, then take a picture and have it made into an oval dekal.
Or have kdhotsaw superimposed over that black and white picture of Art falling that big Redwood.
I think the Yoda is funny as hell. However noone outside of this site would understand.

So on a serious note I came up with this. Keep in mind that I'm no Picasso, and I don't have any specail graphix programs.
Hi Steve, ya, I dont think Ole Ken would sell to many saws if my contorted face were enblazened on any powerhead lol.
In fact, I think Ken should have Uncle Ernies face on there!
On a more serious note, maybe Ken could just put KD Hotsaw branded into the plastic or inscribed into the dogs or some other metal part with a # denoting it as an artist would sign and # a reprint.
Harleys logo

Hello Harley,

Hey, thats a pretty good logo, actually need to thank everyone on arboristsite for their ideas for a logo.
Steve Wisner(z4lunch) has sent me some decals to see what would work and i'm going to have do the printing. He does this for a living and he will do a good job on them. plus I'm massaging his 088 stihl into a woods saw so he can terrorize the local 3120 drivers

Doug and Lambert are onto a good idea with the serial number type thing. Maybe on the dogs or something but it would be kick ass to have a #50 or whatever KD hotsaw. But, what the hell do i know.
Ken Dunn can become a legend, if he is not already, with a simple logo. It doesn't have to be catchy, or cute, just something simple.

I'll recommend again:

Ken Dunn
High Performance Saws

Sorta reminds me of the old:



for those of you old enough to remember that old ad. It's simple and says everything it needs to say.
KDhotsaw labels R hot off the press

Steve here...
Printed up Ken's labels today, I have posted a couple pics. And no I'm not a photographer, sorry for the blurry pics,
maybe it was the three Skyy and sours... Anyway, there on there way to Ken, UPS. Should havem by Thursday. You guys who have had the master work on your saws.(You know who you are). I'm sure Ken will be sending them out.
Simple and effective. I like it, Steve. I wonder if I'm grandfathered to get one for my already Dunn 3120. If not, my first KD sticker is gonna cost me dearly.:D
kd's Logo

Hello steve(z4lunch),
That logo looks pretty good on that 088stihl. Just the right size to cover the other saw builders logo. Steve designed and printed the logos at his company. If any of you need this type of printing work done contact steve melzer at
Steve melzer
[email protected]
