Actually, I was going to bring it up on treebuzz, since a thread opened for it there. Glen pointed out an issue, which after showing him in person, multiple times that this issue is a non-issue, he still makes it an issue.
I was unable to successfully log in, so I didn't post.
I want to share this fully with you guys, as I have done at least 20 prototypes over the last 5 or 6 years and tried all different kinds of line on it. Anyone I've talked to with business or legal sense says "Don't 'give' your ideas away. Get it patented, protect your intellectual property".
They say if I share it openly, there's a chance that someone can 'steal' my idea and i may have no recourse.
For instance, I created dual handled ascenders out of two CMI's over two years before Kong came out with their's. I showed them my working deal at the North Carolina TCI expo 7 years ago. The next year, at the Indianapolis TCI Expo, guess what? Kong comes out with their dual Handled ascenders.
At that same show, Tobe introduced the BigShot. It was so far advance over the prototype I was working on, I didn't even say anything about it. However, I gave him a couple pair of these new rubber-palmed, what I called 'Ugly Gloves'. They credited me with a quote I provided, and they've kept the same quote in their catalog ever since and still to this day. I never asked for anything but credit, so they credited me and went on to sell thousands of pairs. I'm OK with that. It's helped an amazing number of arborists climb with much better control and precision.
The shotline reel is another one of those ideas that will, after all my diligent prototype creation and field testing, could be sucked away while I sleep. At the same time, if I don't share, no one other than myself will gain the benefit.
This sucks. Tell me what to do. Yes I have a link to view the reel. I have video. Tell me what do.