i agree and disagree..sound like a tony marks post huh
.. u are rite . the user is the problem. but ,how many of us havnt
done unwise things in their life..with crack,i understand a couple o uses and u can be addicted..
people being human ,go out on the town an let their hair dn once an a while..
u drink a mixed drink,or beer.. u are not neccessarily an addict ..i have all my life..
i also tried pot ,in an effort to find somethin that would help with my arthritus. no big thing i just dont like it. .
but u ty crack a couple of times and its my understanding that for some,thats all it takes to be an addict.. of course i assume progressive use is when u get hooked ,to the point,, u would steal from u brother..so in my opinion thee real hard drugs are a different thing altogather...so the person who likes to drink socially ,thinks they can try crack and thinks addiction is not a danger. thats why i hate it and those who use it to make a living. i respect your opinion ,but on this one we ll just have to disaggree. respectfully..tony
ps lucky your post has merit as to getting her to detox..im talkin with her husband about that now.. i do know i,,here,, that takes a court order.
i also know u can get her clean nd unless she has completely committed to stayin clean ,it no use.. her contact here in this area was a person she met at a drugs addicts ,help meeting..
i do believe in 12 step programs tho..
sorry post ,so long.. ..