The Bulldog

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Wasn't trying to down on your purchase as it's obviously a bad ass truck and I'm envious as all get out, just an observation is all. I really want to see it up close. What you got going on next week?
just some pictures to show you where not really babying the body either. those logs where around 60 foot from the truck.
View attachment 205580 Kind of a far away pic but its a good truck and the body is bigger than a ASPLUNGER 11fter
Ya i just liked the guy thats pretty much what sealed the deal he wasnt trying to push a truck on me actually talked me out of spending more money. the effer guy was a different story was always trying to show me 400k trucks that i wasnt interested in. im definetly planning on building another one with him.
some people on treebuzz where under the usumption that he bought the bodies so in that case someone might be making junk bodies that are confused with his because i have seen very similar designs. to find a guy that can put a truck like mine toghether is hard i wouldnt condisider anyone else if i was building one.
im in the process of making some videos of it i gotta get the hd helmet camera out of the box and try it out.
next spring if things keep working out im thinking of mounting one of thier 500 plus series loaders on a truck thier comparable to a 40 ton crane when picking at 100+ feet. the hard part wich im finding out now is finding a truck that can handle it.
the gvw has to be over 70500 so your limited. the road im looking at now is puting it on the back of a 3 axle semi.
I stopped by Matts place this morning and saw his new crane. Most impressive! It's very compact, folded up it only takes about a meter of space behind the cab. I'm looking forward to seeing it in action. The bed cap is a work of art too. The thing is way too pretty to beat up though, I'm sure Matt will be handling it with kid gloves (when can i have a turn!).
Seriously, great purchase Matt, you'll never have to worry about roughing up the landscaping with that picking' um up and placin' um in the truck.
... let me know when work stops this year gotta get that hillside cleared ...
I'm a bit surprised your new truck has only a single axle. A few questions: is the GVW 33,000 lbs? how much does the truck weigh (including the grapple arm)? what's the load capacity? and how much is the back axle rated for? I have been looking into buying a grapple truck for a while now and those 14-16 foot dump boxes with the tops seat controls (like those at Timberland) look well suited for the tree service business, but they look like they would be easy to overload with only one axle.
Nice truck Matt! Congrats!
How are you tying into the boom?
if im using the winch it actually has a ball for it so you can put a shackle above that. but when just booming stuff out i tie in around the pin that is used the hold the hook on. not sure if thiers any science to it on a kboom yet but seems bullet proof to me. when using the pin to tie in thiers no way it can come out or come undone its also a very smooth surface.
Is that your truck in the tree trader mag this month , he had a int. and what looks like a new KW setup much like yours , maybe you should consider that twin screw for a while , they are some big money to maintain and when you do tires you'll be doing 4 more forever .
"maybe you should consider that twin screw for a while "
^^^ thats the part im lost with explain when you get a chance i read it over a few times just cant lock on to what your saying.