Ladies and Gentlemen, listen up.This is a serious post and you all need to read it.

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o2/o3 therapy

It is not often that I post a topic that I am this serious about, but today for the first time in almost a year I have dropped almost my entire sense of humor, and I am going to plead for each and every one of you to bear with another long and dreary post.The life you save could be your own.

For a little over six months now, I have been sick.Not bad sick, but enough to make me wonder if getting up in the morning was going to be worth it.Achy joints, sore muscles, you know the drill.

Three months ago, I had what I thought was a heart attack or a stroke. As I layed there on the hard concrete floor of my shop, I seriously wondered what I was going to do.Then it just vanished. I got up, got me a cold drink from the fridge, and wondered what the heck just happened.I called my family doctor, and he told me to hang up and call 911.Yeah right.I drove myself to the ER, they admitted me to the hospital for the night, and called my wife.Tests were done, and there wasnt a single thing wrong with me.Nothing. I thought perhaps I had lost my mind.

Then started the heart thumpings that would wake me up.Then they would disappear. Then my memory started to fade.I would walk out to the shop, and forget what I was going out there for by the time I got there.I would walk into a store, and by the time I had parked the truck I had no idea what I needed from there.
Then there would be times when everything was okay. Life resumed, and everything was normal for a time, and i would breathe a sigh of relief.Then the headaches started and the blurry vision.

For the past month, I have had to drive into the big city for tests, and one doctor noted a "unusual lump" on my skull. I took a whack to the head last year there, and figured it was nothing but scar tissue.He thought otherwise.Several different MRI's concluded that it was not unlike a tumor, but then again wasnt. But any rate, it was not able to be removed safely, and the docs agreed that it would probably continue to grow, and without a doubt contributed to my strange behaviour, loss of vision, headaches, and everything else.

For the first time in thirteen years, I attended church with my family, and began to look at my life. I had unfinished business with God to attend to, and I had a house to finish for my family before I went, and I decided that indeed I had better get busy if I had a limited amount of time left here on earth.

I am insured, heavily in fact, but during quite conversations with my wife late at night she assured me that she would rather have me around than a lump of cash, and I decided to fight this thing.Reading what I could on the internet helped not at all, all I found was more to confuse my addled brain. I figured that if I had enough time, I really wanted one thing, and that was to go out with some dignity, so I swore my family to secrecy. There was not to be a mention to anyone of my predicament.

By now you are wondering why the sob story now?Am I posting from my death bed?No.I am not.A cure has been found.

I have stage three Lyme disease, not a brain tumor. The last doctor that I saw on Friday was from India, and recognized the symptoms immediately.Ordered a blood test, and yesterday the results came back positive.No tumor, no brain problems, no heart problems, nothing in that neighborhood.

Lyme disease is serious stuff, but with medication it can be cured. It is very late for me now, and there is a chance that I may have somethings that cant be undone, but you have a chance right now to avoid this problem.I am not going to bore you all with the precautions, you all know what they are.But folks, take it serious.

If you get bitten by a tick, write the date on your calender and keep an eye on yourself.If you develop a rash, get help. There is little doubt when mine occurred, I remember the day pretty plainly when I came out of the brush in early spring covered with em, and it was over a week later in the shower I found several that had burrowed under my scalp.Being the macho kind of guy I dug em out with a thumbnail and forgot about it.

Sorry for the long post, but you have no idea how relieved I am right now. I have been facing certain death for several months, and it has clouded every decision I have had to make.My wife has pressured me into buying a new log splitter, and every argument always ended up with, "whats the point?I am going to be dead in a few months anyway."She would walk away crying and I would end up out back of the shop heaving rocks to make myself feel better.Just to get her to shut up, I ordered the damn thing last week, figuring to leave it in its crate so she could sell the damn thing when I kicked off.

For some time now I have been writing my book, and in the last few months shelved it, figuring what is the point?

I have taken little interest in posting here, at least not like I used to.After all, I couldn't help but wonder, "who in the hell would miss me anyway?"

July 2nd was our anniversary, and my wife bought me a lab puppy.I have hated that dog since day one.It would be just another mouth to feed once I was gone.

I was offered a clearing job starting in November, I turned it down. Doc said he didn't think I would be up walking around by then, and surely not in any shape to run a saw.

Funny how life has its ups and downs.It sure is nice to be headed back up, under full throttle!


Avalancher, I'm going to share some information with you that you've probably not heard of. It's OxygenTherapy or o2/o3 Therapy. It's widely used in Europe especially in Germany. It got me symptom free from CFIDS after being couch bound for 81/2 years!!! Dr Donsbach is one of the main guys. There are others but it is not known in this country because it is cheap and the drug Co's run our health care. What I'm telling you is the absolute truth. This stuff works on ALL degenerative diseases.

It is found in 35% Peroxide (flavored), Stabilized oxygen, and Ozone(o3). They all work but Ozone is the best. There's a book out called "Flood Your Body With Oxygen" by Ed McCabe. You can get it from John Taggart owns the Co. his # is: 800-284-6263. I've known him for 20 years. He's one of the most knowledgeable people in the country on Oxygen Therapy. I get my flavored 35% Peroxide from The Rockland Corp. #: 1-800-421-7310. I still do 2 oz. a night. But peroxide has a window of usage! You MUST start slow with peroxide. It will clean all the crud from your intestines and colon and if you start to fast you will dump this stuff in your liver and you will get what they call the Herxheimers Reaction( flu like symptoms). Ozone is remarkable stuff!!! More than likely you have been fed misinformation on the stuff. I've been doing it for 20 years and I can aasure you it has done nothing but heal me and keep me healthy! You can access tons of information on the internet. Dr. Donsbach is a good source but there are tons of information out there.

This stuff works. And if you still have symptoms Oxygen Therapy is a tried and tru Modality. It has cured me and others
I know personally. All the best! Bob (Cheeves)
Here in Wisconsin and Minnesota there is a new threat carried by the ticks, and I do mean brand new as it is a brand new bacterium never categorized before. Mayo clinic in Eau Clare was the first to pick up on it and they sent it up to Rochester,Mayo Clinic for confirmation.
"New tick-borne bacterium discovered in Wisconsin, Minnesota"this takes you to the info

I have had 2 friends here in nw wisconsin that have had Ehrlichiosis in the last few years from tick bites. It's not that new, one was about 3 years ago, but I know many have never heard of it. It is like really bad fever and flu symptoms. Unlike Lymes it comes on quick and won't go away unless treated.
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You are starting to make me a little nervous.

I was doing a little backpacking in the Arkansas about 10? years ago and had a tick bite with a prefect bulls eye around it so being a EMT I was being proactive and went in to my Doc and showed him. Yep he thought it could be so he gave me some antibotics and sent me on my way.

Fast forward until present and when I took your little questionaire I came up with about twenty of the questions came up positive. Now keep in mind I very seldom go to the doctor, been to him five times in thirty years. I am the person that takes people to the doctor, but seldom needs one.

I have been having a constant headache for the last several months along with a LOUD ringing in the ears. The ringing in the ears seems to run in the family, so no big deal. Just get my big boy underwear on and get after it.

For the past several weeks I been surprised in some of my post on other website where I would use the wrong words on double meaning words. Now keep in mind I am NOT a english professor but just was surprised by the mix up. I just passed it off as being tired.

Just today I was in the drop zone twice of the tree we was working on. Got hit once, got pissed at the son for not watching out for me. Keep in mind I am big on safety, Remember I pick up "stupid folks" that put themselves in harms way.

So enough of my ramblings but I am starting to wonder if they could be somthing going on other than my 54 years of living.

Thanks for the info that you have posted.

You are starting to make me a little nervous.

I was doing a little backpacking in the Arkansas about 10? years ago and had a tick bite with a prefect bulls eye around it so being a EMT I was being proactive and went in to my Doc and showed him. Yep he thought it could be so he gave me some antibotics and sent me on my way.

Fast forward until present and when I took your little questionaire I came up with about twenty of the questions came up positive. Now keep in mind I very seldom go to the doctor, been to him five times in thirty years. I am the person that takes people to the doctor, but seldom needs one.

I have been having a constant headache for the last several months along with a LOUD ringing in the ears. The ringing in the ears seems to run in the family, so no big deal. Just get my big boy underwear on and get after it.

For the past several weeks I been surprised in some of my post on other website where I would use the wrong words on double meaning words. Now keep in mind I am NOT a english professor but just was surprised by the mix up. I just passed it off as being tired.

Just today I was in the drop zone twice of the tree we was working on. Got hit once, got pissed at the son for not watching out for me. Keep in mind I am big on safety, Remember I pick up "stupid folks" that put themselves in harms way.

So enough of my ramblings but I am starting to wonder if they could be somthing going on other than my 54 years of living.

Thanks for the info that you have posted.


If you actually answered yes to twenty of the questions, then you need to see a doc, yesterday. Its a simple blood test, and it simply is not worth waiting around for. The damage to your body becomes severe, cant be reversed in some cases, and you are wasting time by putting it off.

It came as a shock a few days ago when I read a post that someone dragged back up from last year, I think it was the "Roast Art Vandaley" thread over in the off topics forum. As I read the post, one post kinda stuck out.I re read it again, and it seemed like my kinda writing.As I scrolled back up the page to see who the author was, I was shocked to find out I was the one who wrote it! I didnt even recognize my own post from a year ago!
You want to let your memory get that bad?Put the doctor off a few more months. While I am getting better, I am still floored at how poor my memory has gotten, how my observation skills have deteriorated in the past year.What really blows my mind is the simple tasks that I blow.

Earlier this week I removed the blades from my garden tractor and sharpened them, re installed them, and went to mow the lawn.It mowed like crap.I wouldnt even call it mowing.I went back to the shop, hoisted the tractor back up, and inspected the blades.They sure felt sharp.WTF?I started the mower, engaged the blades, and accertained that the blades were spinning in the correct direction, and of coarse they were.Its not like I had removed any belts or anything, but in my foggy state it just seemed the rational thing to do.And before I could stop myself, I reached into the mower deck to "make sure the blades were sharp".

My neighbor who was visiting saved my hand.Just as i was reaching into the open grass chute, he snatched my hand and pulled me away. The concern and horror on his face snapped me back out of my foggy state, and I realized what I was just about to do.

Its hard to describe the feeling, the foggy state.Its like the brain and body are not connected, kinda like when you take to much cough syrup. The brain is slow to respond to what the body is doing, and the body is slow to understand what the brain is telling it to do.I have my good days, and my bad days, and yesterday from the minute I got up was one of those bad days.Luckily, the bad days are getting fewer and fewer, but its plain and clear that on bad days I have no business messing around with anything powered.If it wasnt for my neighbor, I wouldnt be typing this right now.

I sat on the floor in shock for awhile, and after my heart quite pounding, the world snapped back into reality and sharp focus.Often sudden shocks get the brain working again, and can often stay that way for the rest of the day.A ten second examination of the blades revealed that I had installed them upside down, and twenty minutes later it mowed like it should.

Now, can you imagine yourself being 100 feet up in a tree thinking like that? I wont even tell you the story of how I couldnt reach a line two weeks ago while a hundred feet up, and unbuckled my flip line so that I could reach a little further out. A quick yell by a fellow worker, and my numb fingers were all that saved me that time, but I will let your imagination tell you what could have happened if my fingers had worked like my brain told them too.

Ladies and gentlemen, if you suspect you have fallen victim to this dreadful disease, get yourself help now. Any time someone responds to this thread I go back and read what they have to say because this disease has had numerous opportunities to end my life, and it knows no boundaries. Although by the grace of God himself I am recovering from this illness, it is deadly in many ways and can strike at any moment. Because we all spend time in the woods, I have shared my story with you all in the hope that each and every one of you live to see your grey years.

If you have contracted Lyme disease and you don't get help for it, you will die from it. Your heart will get eaten from the disease, your muscles will deteriorate, and your brain will turn to mush. And thats if your lucky. If your not lucky, your brain will go mushy, and you will end your life in a more gory manner. You will reach for that brush stuck in the chipper, you will unbuckle 100 feet up, you will step out into traffic, you will stand in the path of a giant tree on its way down. You will stick your hand in a running mower, you will walk right off the end of your deck you are building 20 feet up, you will stand on the gutter while washing the roof.You will forget the oven mitts.
Want me to keep going? I swear, if just one more person posts on here and says they think maybe they might have contracted Lyme disease and is hesitant to seek help, I am going to scare the piss out of them and post my entire last year episodes of close calls, injuries, and stupid maneuvers.Maybe if you read everything that has happened to me because I was to bull headed and flat out stupid to seek medical help sooner, you will realize that you dont want to be me!

Again, if you even suspect you might have contracted Lyme disease,seek medical help now. Dont be a stud muffin and declare yourself as "just getting older" or "maybe I am just tired". Its a simple blood test, along with the questionnaire that I posted already, and all of this can be avoided.If its not Lyme disease, great.Maybe you are just getting older,more tired, or just getting careless with your health.

The specialist that I am seeing in Knoxville told me earlier this week he has never seen so many cases of confirmed Lyme disease in his life, and that by comparison I did not have the worst case. The worst one he is treating now lies in a coma in hospital, and one walks with the aid of a walker. You are going to look mighty funny hauling your walker out and trying to pull the cord on your saw while hanging on to a damn walking aid.
If you let yourself go that far, let me know. I will send you some nice tennis balls for the bottom of your walker.
Everyone, get help now if you suspect you may have contracted Lyme disease, and tell us about it after you come back from the doctor!

If after reading this you think I sound angry, you are right. I started this thread in the hopes that everyone would benefit from my experience with this. All my life I have been accident prone, and have always dealt with it with a sense of humor. After all, a non serious accident is actually kinda funny, especially if when you tell the story you jazz it up a little bit. I enjoy life, and I also enjoy telling stories. For some time now I have told you guys stories based upon real life incidents, and for the most part they are entirely true. I got a laugh out of telling them because there is nothing better than laughing at yourself and amusing others along the way. But I aint laughing now. This is real as it gets, and the last year has been full of close calls, breathless moments of WTF was I thinking, and seriously wondering what the hell was wrong with me.Take me serious, please.
If after reading this you think I sound angry, you are right. I started this thread in the hopes that everyone would benefit from my experience with this. All my life I have been accident prone, and have always dealt with it with a sense of humor. After all, a non serious accident is actually kinda funny, especially if when you tell the story you jazz it up a little bit. I enjoy life, and I also enjoy telling stories. For some time now I have told you guys stories based upon real life incidents, and for the most part they are entirely true. I got a laugh out of telling them because there is nothing better than laughing at yourself and amusing others along the way. But I aint laughing now. This is real as it gets, and the last year has been full of close calls, breathless moments of WTF was I thinking, and seriously wondering what the hell was wrong with me.Take me serious, please.

I am glad you took the time to post this information for us. Thank you and get well soon so we can have some more funny "yard boy" stories!!!:msp_tongue: Steve
I just come across this thread myself.
Yep, thanks for posting it AV. I get some ticks to now and then. Them little deer ticks seem to find me more in November then any other month. Been fortunate, seems like I have a feel for ticks crawling on me and far more often find them before they bite but thats good advice to use the deet to keep them off. Almost always have it with me during mosquito season and much rather use it then be bitten by any parasites.
All our worlds will change and end as we now know them, 1 way or another, likely at a time we think not. To be prepared is a blessing from God...
After getting symptoms of "tick fever" for about the fourth or fifth time a couple days ago, I used the search function to see if there was a thread about it on here and found this. I have been treated now three times with doxycycline and each time the meds worked very quickly, taking only about two days for all the symptoms to go away.

Since the tests for most tick diseases are inconclusive (and take some time to get the results), my doctor always elected to put me on antibiotics immediately and see if I got better. His thinking was that since my symptoms were always exactly the same and since the medication had worked before, then we would take the most logical step to get me well.

Many years ago, when I was in forestry school, we were required to take the vaccine for RMSF since our summer camp was in an area with one of the highest incidences of the disease in the entire country. For maybe ten years I faithfully got the booster shots until it was found that it did no good at all, and the vaccine was discontinued.

I have picked literally thousands of ticks off myself, sometimes a hundred or more in one day. My woods companions are now two black Labs, and I pick at least twenty ticks off of them most days in the spring and summer. Even in the winter, here in central GA, we have deer ticks, but they don't seem to get on me in the numbers the lone star and dog ticks do. Suffice it to say, I live in a tick paradise, and you know when it's going to be a bad day for infestations even before you step out of the truck. Heavy underbrush, humid conditions, high deer populations, and no history of controlled burns is the recipe for armies of ticks. I have tried every preventive measure known to man, but it doesn't keep ticks from latching on if I'm in a prime area. My only defense is to use a mirror and flashlight after the shower to search all possible hiding places, that and my wife looking on my back when I feel something and can't see it.

For what it's worth, here are the symptoms I get every time, and I suspect my particular disease is Ehrlichiosis, although it could be RMSF or maybe even one of the others.

extremely sore and stiff neck
sore across the shoulders
aching back
aching joints
low grade fever/chills (esp. at night)
pain in the testicles
a feeling of extreme fatigue
a feeling of imbalance but not really dizzy
queasy, nauseous feeling but not to the point of vomiting

The last symptom is the most pronounced, for me anyway, and it's always exactly the same. None of the above are particularly intense, but added all together it really takes the life out of me, and I just want to sleep.

Curiously, I have never had the rash or bulls eye around a bite. Then again, I'm pretty hairy, and that could be hidden;)

I started feeling this way again two days ago, but feel a little better today. I'll refill the doxy tomorrow if I don't have a major improvement tonight.

It's interesting to see how many of you have had one of these diseases or know someone who did. I think the key is early detection like many have said. If you have symptoms, don't fart around, find out what it is and keep some doxycycline on hand just in case.
After getting symptoms of "tick fever" for about the fourth or fifth time a couple days ago, I used the search function to see if there was a thread about it on here and found this. I have been treated now three times with doxycycline and each time the meds worked very quickly, taking only about two days for all the symptoms to go away.

Since the tests for most tick diseases are inconclusive (and take some time to get the results), my doctor always elected to put me on antibiotics immediately and see if I got better. His thinking was that since my symptoms were always exactly the same and since the medication had worked before, then we would take the most logical step to get me well.

Many years ago, when I was in forestry school, we were required to take the vaccine for RMSF since our summer camp was in an area with one of the highest incidences of the disease in the entire country. For maybe ten years I faithfully got the booster shots until it was found that it did no good at all, and the vaccine was discontinued.

I have picked literally thousands of ticks off myself, sometimes a hundred or more in one day. My woods companions are now two black Labs, and I pick at least twenty ticks off of them most days in the spring and summer. Even in the winter, here in central GA, we have deer ticks, but they don't seem to get on me in the numbers the lone star and dog ticks do. Suffice it to say, I live in a tick paradise, and you know when it's going to be a bad day for infestations even before you step out of the truck. Heavy underbrush, humid conditions, high deer populations, and no history of controlled burns is the recipe for armies of ticks. I have tried every preventive measure known to man, but it doesn't keep ticks from latching on if I'm in a prime area. My only defense is to use a mirror and flashlight after the shower to search all possible hiding places, that and my wife looking on my back when I feel something and can't see it.

For what it's worth, here are the symptoms I get every time, and I suspect my particular disease is Ehrlichiosis, although it could be RMSF or maybe even one of the others.

extremely sore and stiff neck
sore across the shoulders
aching back
aching joints
low grade fever/chills (esp. at night)
pain in the testicles
a feeling of extreme fatigue
a feeling of imbalance but not really dizzy
queasy, nauseous feeling but not to the point of vomiting

The last symptom is the most pronounced, for me anyway, and it's always exactly the same. None of the above are particularly intense, but added all together it really takes the life out of me, and I just want to sleep.

Curiously, I have never had the rash or bulls eye around a bite. Then again, I'm pretty hairy, and that could be hidden;)

I started feeling this way again two days ago, but feel a little better today. I'll refill the doxy tomorrow if I don't have a major improvement tonight.

It's interesting to see how many of you have had one of these diseases or know someone who did. I think the key is early detection like many have said. If you have symptoms, don't fart around, find out what it is and keep some doxycycline on hand just in case.
I know what you're going thru!! Both my wife and I have been thru it.

Two years ago it was really bad around here for ticks. Animals would come in the house loaded. Wife and I would both check each other but it seems one would usually escape detection. Also the cats would jump up on the bed and they would get on you that way. Both of us have been infected. My wife worse than me. Lukily got the IV antibiotics and early enough not to get it chronic but have friends that are.

I great tip. Bacteria cannot live in an oxygenated environment. If you get oxygenated your symptoms will disappear!! You can do this 3 ways. 1) Hydrogen Peroxide 35%, Stabilized Oxygen, or Ozone( that's right Ozone)! Get on Google and type in Ozone Therapy. You"ll be amazed at what you find! Same thing with H2O2 and Stabilized Oxygen. If you're interested just PM me and we'll go from there. Stuff works!!! I've been doing it for over 20 years now. Got over CFIDS with it and a bunch of other stuff. Same with wife and she has a Masters in Nursing. Good luck. All the best Brother!
Good grief...!

Been away from AS for a spell and just read this post today...incredible! Suffice it to say Avalancher you're an AS favorite around here. I'm very relieved to hear they figured out what was wrong and you'll be stickin' around for awhile:msp_thumbup:! Hang in there brother and I'll speak on your behalf to The Almighty Himself. Bless you buddy.
I am dragging up an old thread for a reason. Spring is right around the corner, or in some places has already arrived, and tick season comes with it. Everyone, pay attention to what you are doing, and make a thorough check over while in the shower afterwards. We dont need anyone around here dropping from Lyme disease just cause they are bashful in the shower. If you need some help, ask the wife, girlfriend, or who ever to take a look at your backside.

Its been a year since I got bit, and I am still dealing with some of the after effects. Dont walk a mile in my shoes if you can help it.
It is a battle

My wife and I have been searching for her health problems for the past 9 years. After countless trips to Mayo, IA city and DSM we were able to figure out what is wrong with her by ourselves. She has 2 of the most misdiagnosed problems on the planet. First she is a Celiac and sometime along the way or before she contacted Lyme disease which led to a mycoplasma co infection. Be on the look out for the nasty things. As AV said it is a long battle.

Rep sent for the reminder. Like you, a year ago the Dr's finally belived me about Lymes. I suffered for over three years thinking it was old age. I still get my weeks where my joints remind me of what I went through. I never did find a Tic, I thought it was a small scratch along the back of my neck and the hair line.

Glad to see you are posting more.
AV, thank you for the information and update. Often the sharing of information can save a life. I too always enjoy your posts.
Good advice about the ticks. About a month ago, I stopped at a new house lot that had just been cleared to pick up of a couple of logs with the loader. I had to get down off the truck for one cut on a log that was too long. Took a shower later that day and pulled two deer ticks off me. I have been heavy on the deet around my boots/ pant legs since. It’s been a warm and dry winter and ticks are going to be real bad this year. Get some deet or guinea hens or chickens or whatever you need to protect yourself. Use em.
The biggest problem in the whole thing is doctors still just dont recognize the root problem, but instead go chasing after the symptoms. I mean really. If your saw burned a piston and gaulded the cylinder, wouldnt you go looking for the air leak before dropping in a new piston? Sure you would.

But lately I have run across a bunch of nitwits that somehow printed their medical license off the internet, and figure all they need is greasy hair, a kinda white trench coat, a secretary with big cans, and a BMW in the parking to convince them they are doctors. One doc flat out told me a month ago to stop the meds the other doc gave me, and instead lets explore this irregular heart beat with a drug that had more side effects than sixty eight daily Big Macs. Instead, I asked him to thoroughly review my records I brought with me, and while he went to is office to look them over, I amused myself by carving several wooden swords thanks to the tongue depressor jar on the counter. I managed to outfit an entire platoon before the good doctor made his way back into the exam room.

Brushing my pants off, I asked him, "well Doc, change your mind on that mind set of "load the guy up with the latest drug that will sure as shootin get you a vacation to Maui complements of the drug company?" or am I going to walk out of here with just a dozen well utilized tongue depressors?"

"Well sir, it does appear that in the past you have had some troubles that would account for the irregular heartbeat of coarse, but I would like to start you on this medication just to be sure."
"Well, just to be sure you get that vacation to Maui, or just to be sure that I don't drop dead while enacting a scene from Gunsmoke for the folks down at the old folks home?" After all, I hate to traumatize any old folks by dropping dead in my Miss Kittie outfit."

Obviously the doc wasn't sure about which option he ought to go with, the vacation or the reenactment excuse, because I did walk out of there without any crazy witch doctors brew recipe in my pocket,but I did leave with one thing. Once again, a doctor with greasy hair, a white coat, a secretary with big cans, and a beamer in the parking lot once again reassured me that the art of reading is dead. Even in medical school.
Your pets need attention's been 7 months since my lab Buck has passed ..all because of those ticks.

I am sorry to hear that Keith. I full well know just how valuable a good dog can be, I myself have two labs and would hate to see anything happen to either of them.
Wow, glad you're on the mend! I just came across this thread as well and can somewhat relate. A friend thought he had had a stroke last summer. Several visits to the dr assured him he hadn't but they couldn't tell him what he had either. He was experiencing numbness and weakness in his extremities and was getting to the point where he had trouble walking when he read something online about lymes disease. He found a new dr who was able to treat him and he’s doing alright now but still complains of some numbness. It’s serious business for sure, I would encourage anybody who isn’t getting answers form their dr to seek 2nd, 3rd, 4th, or however many opinions it takes to find help. Honest dr’s will tell you they only “practice” medicine, it isn’t an exact science!

Take care!
Somehow I never saw this thread, but Lyme has been the bane of our existence for 12 years. My wife had it and we probably lost a baby from it. My son was born with it. We've all had it and my daughter is fighting a long term case now.

Read about it and learn it well - you must be able to recognize it yourself. Even then you may have a very hard time getting someone to treat you properly because there's some political issue associated with it. The testing is mostly worthless and the guidelines for interpreting the tests almost assure a negative. A week of ABX isn't going to cut it unless you're just taking it "just in case" starting the day you're bit. The most important thing is to get treatment fast. If you can hit it early it's not that big a deal to kill, but if you've had it a while it's a whole different ballgame.

Horses and dogs get it. They give our horses doxycycline pills in big bottles. Interestingly, it's the same stuff they give people.

Note - I'm an engineer and you should not take medical advice from me.

We know so many people being treated incorrectly for things that are fairly obviously Lyme. A friend of our daughter has been paralyzed at times, hospitalized while the Drs. screw around looking at all sorts of irrelevant stuff. They're gonna kill that kid but the parents trust them and what can we say? It's hard to watch.
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