Lakeside53's --361 muffler mod w/photos

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If it looks like pic #1. I would proceed as follows:

1. Remove the muffler and seperate the plate as in (pic #2).
2. Using a needle nose pliers remove the spark screen from inside the muffler as in (pic #3).
4. Cut out the oval from the center of the plate.
5. Flatten out the screen to create a sheet of screen, single ply.
6. Cut the screen to size so that it fits behind the plate.
7. Reassemble together muffler/screen/plate.

- You must adjust the carb after this mod (especially the high adj. screw).
- This may significantly increase the noise of the saw as well, but it should increase performance.
- I didn't complete the mod on my saw as I am selling mine as is.

If this isn't your muffler let me know, I'll try to find another.
029 mod

I cut out the center recess behind the deflector, opened up the deflector plate, and added another deflector fabricated out of drywall corner mold. Not especially sturdy, but at least gives me a template for something more permanent.
does prying open the muffler exhaust port and making it bigger make any difference to the saws performance? and while we are on the homelite subject.

i dont see any stihls or husqys with sluts like this one. goes to show chicks dig homelites.
ms 390 mod

i own a stihl ms 390 and i would like to do a muffler mod. what is the biggest size hole i should use?? i dont want to go too big and ruin anything.
My 390 does sound like it has a pair (cuz it does)

I used a piece if 1/2 inch electrical conduit but it measured about 5/8 ID. Pointed it to the right along with the factory outlet. I just cut a 65 inch silver maple down with it and i can not complain about a thing. I filed my depth gauges down about 2-2.5mm and I run a 20" bar with full skip chisel chain and THAT BABY CUTS!!!! Kinda makes me want a 30" bar.......anybody got one to give away????? At one point I had 6 people from around town standing there watching me and I saw one guy pick his jaw up off the ground...then he came over and asked me when I was going to get to his trees.....I didn't even know him!!!! I got two dump truck loads out of that tree (took 7 hours to cut it all up) to split it. I opened up the holes in the baffle a little when I did the mod, but was wondering if anyone takes it out or makes them huge? Here's to woodcuttingitis.....*runs off to work on lathe* anybody got any mods for lathes????
Here is my 660 one.

028 super



All are much much better saws with muffler mod!
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The 441 does sound like a wus , and it weighs 2 lbs more than an 044 , which is a way better saw , execpt in the vibration department ....... I tire of an overly loud saw . I used to take the whole front off the muffler on a few saws ..

it is .6 lbs heavier than an 044 and stock to stock a 441 beats a 440/044 pretty easily. Vibes and filtration are far superior on the 441. I'm about to do a muffler mod on mine and get it woods ported:greenchainsaw:
muffler mod

this stuff is great i have a mcculloch pro mac 700 would it benifit any from this if so what would be a good way for going about it on this model of saw???:chainsaw:
268XP Muff Mod

This is the result of what I did to clean-up to the original muffler mod.

I was impressed with how much more air/fuel I could crank thru my saw after the original mod not to mention the nice performance increase.

It wont add anymore poop to the saw it just increased the coolness factor a notch or two.
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This is the result of what I did to clean-up to the original mukfler mod.

I was impressed with how much more air/fuel I could crank thru my saw after the original mod not to mention the nice performance increase.

It wont add anymore poop to the saw it just increased the coolness factor a notch or two.

pretty smart, no welding or brazing involved.
you can do it with mapp gas but you have to get a good adjustable mapp torch in the 60 dollar range it does not work that great tho it kinda clumps up and looks like a s****y weld but its strong. if you can clump enough on you can go back with the torch and kinda melt it down some more and smooth it out a little. then take an angle die grinder with some roloc pads and smooth it out some more, moral not the best not the smoothest but it works and sure beats spending 500 bucks on acetylene torches, lucky for me i already have a set, anyone interested in muffler mods I will do it for you i have done many and they have all turned out very good, im not trying to get rich or anything like that just tryin to help a few good men out let me know pm me or something and we can work together on a price and what you are looking for I have a few pics of mufflers i have done if interested

You're new, so I figure I should tell ya. . . Selling muffler mod services without being a Site Sponsor is a bannable offense.

If you want to sell your services, look into being an AS Sponsor. . . Just trying to save you a banning. :cheers:
You're new, so I figure I should tell ya. . . Selling muffler mod services without being a Site Sponsor is a bannable offense.

If you want to sell your services, look into being an AS Sponsor. . . Just trying to save you a banning. :cheers:

I appreciate the looking out but im not really into making money on here honestly i would just recoup shipping charges to help a few people out that dont know how or have the tools to do the work, I am pretty new to the site and would hate to banned because this is a wonderful site, The GF does not think s tho.. should I delete my post???
I appreciate the looking out but im not really into making money on here honestly i would just recoup shipping charges to help a few people out that dont know how or have the tools to do the work, I am pretty new to the site and would hate to banned because this is a wonderful site, The GF does not think s tho.. should I delete my post???

Naw, I think you're safe. . . Just thought I'd give you a heads up. . . Not a lot of new members know the site policies.

I think you'll be okay if you're just recouping your cost. . . But I'd check with a site moderator just to be sure. ;)


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