logger 12345
husqvarna pilot
Hello everyone here!! Firstly I want to say I hope you all are good and life is kind. Yes the world is in the middle of a pandemic but we are all in the same boat and trying to follow the rules and survive. Anyway, I have been working away all the years sinse at the same work. Business was 

good and still is. I have a lot of news and updates. Lucky for me I fall in to the 'Essential business' category during this lockdown and can deliver firewood to the elderly/ vulnerable and that is a great feeling to help out in these tough times. Anyway, I was meaning to log in along the way but had issues remembering my log in credentials until I was looking through and old notebook this evening and found them!! My last log in was sept 2015 I think SO time for some news. My Husqvarna 365SP ohh man I love that saw, can you believe two years ago it gave its first issue ( have the saw now nine years) that's 9 years hard hard work/ cutting. It's issue was a tank vent which was a pain to diagnose as saw kept randomly cutting out so I checked engine and it looked mint,. Took head off and I was surprised at how clean it all looked anyway, I assumed something drastic but it turned out just tank vent. I sorted that and popped on a new piston ring all was sweet. It didn't even need the ring. So fast forward to 3 weeks ago it made s funny sound and stopped when lodged in a massive Ash tree, I assumed something bad but I dodged a bullet again This time I took head off and the piston had shattered but after using compressed air and cleaning out the whole engine I could NOT believe my luck the head was not even marked. The cylinder looked A1... So a good cleaning,A new piston kit,(ring, piston needle bearing and gasket all in the kit later and this saw is like new!! That just cost me 85e genuine husky piston set out of a kit from my local dealer. I can't praise the saw enough it can't be killed and the only thing I can say why the piston finally shattered is letting it run out of petrol all those years!! So some of you might remember I used use 445 and 440 both saws I finally abandoned and last year buying a 550XP... I really loved that saw, I bought it used at a great price. 3 weeks ago it would no longer start (Assumed autotune carb) but was told it was something that damaged the lower crank cases from outside like a wedged piece of wood. Least that was the speculation from the local Husky main dealer as the lowrrcases would no longer hold a seal and a small chunk was missing. Mmm... Strange.In the year I had that saw I done a lot of work with it and it owed my nothing to be fair! So as I was stuck for a saw I bought a brand new 550XP Mark2 and traded my own. Love it so far!!! Lads I have lots of updates and have been cutting massive trees since. I will try to update here along the way Greetings from Limerick,Ireland! Looking forward to the banter