"I don't really wanna saw all those huge logs up" -- round here you'd have someone stop in less than a few days after theyre down asking if they can take the firewood. -- Guess thats not the case at your lattitude.
ajc4 said:For that matter ... grind em, throw on some herbicide, put the septic treatment on, put plastic on & burry it. Then spit on it for good measure. That sould kill the suckers!
ajc4 said:I dont know abut the septic treatment mentioned earlier in the thread. If its made tobe added to septic tanks, then presumably it also winds up in the leach field, so it must be benign enough to be OK. But do check into that before hand.
ajc4 said:"I don't really wanna saw all those huge logs up" -- round here you'd have someone stop in less than a few days after theyre down asking if they can take the firewood. -- Guess thats not the case at your lattitude.
ajc4 said:But -- if it doesnt work, then you have a bare stump & no trunk to leverage it down with.
ajc4 said:This site: http://www.coopext.colostate.edu/TR...//www.coopext.colostate.edu/TRA/tamarisk.html
indiactes that even the roots remaining after bulldozing a salt cedar can resprout within 3 years. They recomend triclopyr treatment of the sprouts, and triclopyr treatment of stump surfaces. It sounds like it might take a few years & some diligence to get rid of these things no matter what you do. -- No matter what your never going to get ALL of the roots.
David B said:Daggum...I knew they were bad, but jeez...
Looks like a tamarisk is a shrub and a salt cedar is a tree...