I did read the damn articles, and they flat do not say what you claim they do... period‼
The locals had prohibited (by a vote)
local government from
regulating heating appliances... nothing more‼
The latest vote rescinds that prohibition, which will allow
local government to
create local regulations on heating appliances that address
local needs... nothing more‼
The articles say nothing about blocking the enforcement of "
air pollution laws", and they certainly say nothing about now "
enforcing the federally figured out levels of pollution". There is mention, by the authors of the articles (but they site no sources), that the area is often out of compliance with with federal air standards established in the "Clean Air Act" and/or exceeds health limits established by the EPA... neither of which are "
laws", they are simply standards, or goals to aim for (many areas of the country are regularly out of compliance). I'll quote directly from one of your articles...
...the community now has the ability to come to the table and work together to find solutions to our air pollution problems."
The "
BS" is not in my words... it's in yours. I'm not the one overstating what those articles say, or trying to make them stand for more than they do. In fact, those articles are about nothing more than local citizens and government addressing local issues, it has no relevance to the Federal government or the EPA... and the only relevance to the Constitution is local citizens and government exercising their Tenth Amendment right
without unconstitutional interference from federal government. And those articles certainly don't mention a "basic right to breath"

... those are
your words.