What if you're like me...of a gender that used to be considered the property of males and could not vote until the 20th century.
What if you're like me...and see a constant threat to so much we have gained, by religious fanatics.
What if you're like me...oh, you're not so you will only think about the good ol' days and holler about the constitution, forget about the three forms of gubmint...
Executive, Courts, and Legislature who are there to keep a check on things and they are or aren't depending on your point of view, but it's the best we have.
I'm sorry, but I have to present another viewpoint.
Also, our fair state is more of a democracy. We can vote for citizen developed initiatives. Now don't worry about discrimination. Any initiative that threatened the civil rights of a group would be challenged in court. We have those too. It works pretty well. That's how we got pot legalized. We've also repealed some taxes that the legislature pushed through, and will vote on a

gun initiative. The latter will probably end up in court if it passes. I have seen no effort to repeal the state requirements for wood stove emissions. That could be done. But it hasn't happened.
I don't vote for a particular party. I vote for whom I perceive to have the best interests of the country, and who I hope won't lead us back to "The Good Old Days."
The good old days had air quality disasters, discrimination, water quality problems (we still do), and still had corruption in gubmint. Oh, and a smaller population meant wood smoke might not have been so annoying because people lived farther apart.