Lawsuit from a nut case

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Here is an update, we got continued to a later date because the magistrate would like the city person that gave permission to testify in court as to the fact that he gave permission. However the Judge also said that just because a city official gives you permission don't take it as gods truth because if they are wrong you are in the wrong. In this situation we know we are not however she did say it. So my advise get written permission on everything. It is going to be a pain in the tail however look how much of a pain court is. I have already typed up a permission slip for all neighbors that my be effected while doing a job stating that they are giving the company the staff all other companies and staff that may be affiliated with us permission to drive, walk, park, place debris...... It is more detailed but that is the gist. I also put in there that all damage will be fixed by __________________ if any is created. this allows me to name the homeowner or our company or maybe a sub contracted company. So make sure you keep this issue in the back of your mind. I will let you know what the judges decision is once it is rendered after our next court date.

well in my opinion, we live a rural area usually oral aggreement is good enough, but now we have people up here who have just built new houses, and are going just way beyond anything ive ever seen! so what i wanted to say is if my neighbor needed to use my yard to acess a tree that had to be taken down, thats no big deal. ruts or no ruts, it happens, i make them with the 4 wheeler! its very wet up here, but i certainly wouldnt sue, thats just unthinkable! if it was a big problem everybody would have a kegger and it would be fixed! but since its not a problem? sorry i just cannot understand people anymore!