Lazy people

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I can't speak for the farmers or really against them, but I do believe that most people are getting lazier by the day !!!!!!! I have a lot of friends that would not think of cutting and splitting firewood....too much work !!!! They would rather buy it.....and the main reason...too much work !!!!! Surely, not everyone I know is like that, but many !!!! Seems like when people get about 55 or older, they get's too hot, it's too cold, it's too far to walk, yada,yada, yada !!!!!!! I hadn't planned on saying all this , but I got on a roll !! In short, yes I believe people are lazy !!!!!!!!

Henry and Wanda
Properly cutting and selling firewood takes skill and equipment. People who can't or won't cut thier own firewood may lack skill and equipment. I consider it blessing because it allows me to make money and hire whatever goods or services they specialize in.
The OP Msr. Sawford needs a time out. Maybe a dope slap, or a Darwin Award trial.

The question why too many online have this rapture belief that what they see, think, do, feel is the only true path to see the Grasshopper. Repeat: you are like the blind men touching the elephant: one thinks it is a tree, another a snake, another steps in elephant crap.

Basically who are you to even think that anyone needs to be the same as you ? "Lazy" attitude. Lazy thinking. Read some of the posts commenting on your accusation of lazy.

It's a 3 dog night here. Why am I lazy ?

Since you are quick to judge people. Maybe it would help you to know that the original post was made the day prior to the blizzard that hit that area. The 3 farmers waited till the last minute to worry about firewood in the most massive snow prone area of Ks. Then they have the gall to complain about him charging for the wood? In my opinion that makes them stupid as well as lazy.

Sawford is a good charitable christian guy who is always willing to help people, even at his own expense. These people were just trying to take advantage of his good nature, they should be glad they weren't dealing with me.
Since you are quick to judge people. Maybe it would help you to know that the original post was made the day prior to the blizzard that hit that area. The 3 farmers waited till the last minute to worry about firewood in the most massive snow prone area of Ks. Then they have the gall to complain about him charging for the wood? In my opinion that makes them stupid as well as lazy.

Sawford is a good charitable christian guy who is always willing to help people, even at his own expense. These people were just trying to take advantage of his good nature, they should be glad they weren't dealing with me.

or me.....
Since you are quick to judge people. Maybe it would help you to know that the original post was made the day prior to the blizzard that hit that area. The 3 farmers waited till the last minute to worry about firewood in the most massive snow prone area of Ks. Then they have the gall to complain about him charging for the wood? In my opinion that makes them stupid as well as lazy.

Sawford is a good charitable christian guy who is always willing to help people, even at his own expense. These people were just trying to take advantage of his good nature, they should be glad they weren't dealing with me.

Thank you MiracleRepair! One guy after some work did offer me $75 for the pickup load if I delivered it 40 miles to his house! Hope he gets cold!!
Since you are quick to judge people. Maybe it would help you to know that the original post was made the day prior to the blizzard that hit that area. The 3 farmers waited till the last minute to worry about firewood in the most massive snow prone area of Ks. Then they have the gall to complain about him charging for the wood? In my opinion that makes them stupid as well as lazy.

Sawford is a good charitable christian guy who is always willing to help people, even at his own expense. These people were just trying to take advantage of his good nature, they should be glad they weren't dealing with me.

There is nothing at all in the OP about them complaining, expecting free wood, etc. Seems everytime he posted he added and changed things.

Harry K
The percent of people with sedentary jobs is larger every year. The percent of obese people is larger every year. Do you see a connection here? The service industry is at an all time high. That is a bonus for those of us who are willing and able to do the physical work. Give to the needy but let the greedy pay you a fair price. When I was a kid I didn't know one person that payed someone else to mow their grass or cut and haul their firewood and I couldn't imagine somebody making a living mowing grass. The times they are a changin.
Story change

The reason there seems to be additions (not changes) in the story is because these 3 people keep calling and wanting to try to knock me down on the price I gave them. They have called other people who sell wood and found out that no one gives it away either, like MiracleRepair said lets wait till the blizzard is scheduled then expect it now for nothing! Its called WELFARE wanting something for nothing. Would be like the farmer who is too lazy to harvest his corn in his field but expect a neighbor to give him some of his out of his bin to sell. Oops probably looks like I am picking on farmers again! I like being able to pay someone to do something I don't want to do too, so I can spend time with my family, I cannot afford it at this time. Would love to have 8 cord of wood delivered every year and pay someone in the business or someone that needed the $$$$ to do it. BUT I WILL NEVER EXPECT IT FOR NOTHING OR SO SMALL OF AN AMOUNT THAT ITS LIKE A SLAP IN THE FACE!!
The reason there seems to be additions (not changes) in the story is because these 3 people keep calling and wanting to try to knock me down on the price I gave them. They have called other people who sell wood and found out that no one gives it away either, like MiracleRepair said lets wait till the blizzard is scheduled then expect it now for nothing! Its called WELFARE wanting something for nothing. Would be like the farmer who is too lazy to harvest his corn in his field but expect a neighbor to give him some of his out of his bin to sell. Oops probably looks like I am picking on farmers again! I like being able to pay someone to do something I don't want to do too, so I can spend time with my family, I cannot afford it at this time. Would love to have 8 cord of wood delivered every year and pay someone in the business or someone that needed the $$$$ to do it. BUT I WILL NEVER EXPECT IT FOR NOTHING OR SO SMALL OF AN AMOUNT THAT ITS LIKE A SLAP IN THE FACE!!

Here goes: free advice (F.A.).

Man up. You are not the target ( Buddhist parable ).

No need to get your panties in a tear. You sound like it's getting to you. Stand back and lose the anger; not worth the BTUs. Life is too damn short to let the petties bother you. Get a thick skin, do your job, get a fair price (or not ). Frankly you are being a bore here...sorry.

They want it for nothing, you want a fair price. In this free land you chose what and how you want to DO BUSINESS. Repeat: BUSINESS.

And yes, it is not a "SLAP IN THE FACE". Lighten up and enjoy what you have...NOW.

Now enjoy a fine brew ( I strongly recommend a single Islay malt Laphroaig) For this F.A. you may PM me for an address to send the fifth. :hmm3grin2orange:
my dad bought a load of wood this fall ,even though ive godd well over 5 cord sitting at my house no more than 20 miles away. why? the needed some extra money,so he helped him out.

as a side note YOU on the other hand obviously dont need the extra money as you are be itching about making it,so i would suggest getting out of the wood business before you get real busy.
The "lazy" people in the opening post at least own saws, so they likely do some cutting for themselves. Like some guys have pointed out, time and opportunity don't always fall into place for everyone. My best friend was often like that. Too busy with job and family to stay ahead of his wood supply. I remember calling him once in the middle of January and his wife said that he was outside trying to scrounge up some wood. After that winter, he bought log loads every year.

I have customers that come in now and then and ask where they can buy a cord or two, because they weren't able to get enough cut on their own to get through the winter.

Not saying that there aren't lazy people, but if you're selling wood, what difference does it make why the person needs it?

Usually happened to me. I enjoy getting out and cutting, but never had the time to get enough. Now I'm not working, but dealing with back issues and firewooding is out for now.
Nice big cherry at the end of my yard to do, good size walnut just off the neighbors field also. Love to get to them, but it's not in the cards for now. Doctors appt. tomorrow, hopefully
good news.
My stove burns wood or coal so for now it's hard anthracite for me. It's nice to have options.:msp_thumbup:

Unless you really know a persons situation it's best not to criticize and just worry about yourself.

my dad bought a load of wood this fall ,even though ive godd well over 5 cord sitting at my house no more than 20 miles away. why? the needed some extra money,so he helped him out.

as a side note YOU on the other hand obviously dont need the extra money as you are be itching about making it,so i would suggest getting out of the wood business before you get real busy.

You should probably read all the posts, he isn't in the business of selling wood. These were people in an area known for terrible weather, but they waited till the last minute before a storm to worry about wood. Then they wanted it for free.
sawford79, if you do decide to sell the wood to them you better make sure it's 16" long exactly otherwise it will be another 8 page thread by them complaining about the length.

I think it got to 9 pages!
You should probably read all the posts, he isn't in the business of selling wood. These were people in an area known for terrible weather, but they waited till the last minute before a storm to worry about wood. Then they wanted it for free.

i did read them all,and the story keeps changing(im sorry, has additions made) to make the OP sound like a victim.
Ok so obviously the problem here is with me!! Maybe since I have not sold any firewood for several years I priced it too high!??! I priced to all 3 of these people 16" long split Chinese elm, properly seasoned for $150 per cord. I always used to plan on a normal size pickup box holding 60% of a cord which figures out to $90. Am I way out of line on the price? Some people out here are less some are more and charge delivery fees. I told these people $2.00 per mile one way, this pays for gas, and me stacking it at their place as long as I can get the trailer close to where they want it piled which is tough with 4ft snowdrifts. This makes the one customer who is 40 miles away a load of wood that he has to write a check for for $170. Am I being unreasonable? By the way this is the one that offered me $75 for the wood and delivery! Maybe thats fair?!? Help me out here!
You should probably read all the posts, he isn't in the business of selling wood. These were people in an area known for terrible weather, but they waited till the last minute before a storm to worry about wood. Then they wanted it for free.

Not according to the OP they didn't want it for free. He even mentioned making some Christmas money off the deal. He has changed and added a bunch since.

Harry K
Ok so obviously the problem here is with me!! Maybe since I have not sold any firewood for several years I priced it too high!??! I priced to all 3 of these people 16" long split Chinese elm, properly seasoned for $150 per cord. I always used to plan on a normal size pickup box holding 60% of a cord which figures out to $90. Am I way out of line on the price? Some people out here are less some are more and charge delivery fees. I told these people $2.00 per mile one way, this pays for gas, and me stacking it at their place as long as I can get the trailer close to where they want it piled which is tough with 4ft snowdrifts. This makes the one customer who is 40 miles away a load of wood that he has to write a check for for $170. Am I being unreasonable? By the way this is the one that offered me $75 for the wood and delivery! Maybe thats fair?!? Help me out here!

No, you are not out of line on your prices. That they tried to get a cheaper price is common in bargaining and nothing to get your panties in a wad. A simple "no" handles it. You do seem to have dropped the claim (added after your original) that they wanted free wood.

You are, however, out of line calling them lazy just because they would rather buy wood. Lots of reasons other than "lazy" for doing that.

Harry K
Not according to the OP they didn't want it for free. He even mentioned making some Christmas money off the deal. He has changed and added a bunch since.

Harry K

I could be a little biased.:msp_unsure: I've known sawford since college, know his area, and the people he has to deal with. That tends to make me jump on his side without knowing every detail.

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