LCTT in my front yard

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clearance said:
Are you crying about it or what? What is your problem:censored: :censored: , scummy alders should be cut down, under the lines, around the transformer? C'mon now, how about you go and pick up some beer for those utility guys. It makes me puke, people who whine and snivell about trimming and hazard tree removal but then when the powers goes out 'cause some p.o.s. they cherished rips the lines down, they whine 'cause thier powers out.

Maybe I'm wierd, but I'd rather have the power go out once in a while than have every tree in a nice old neighborhood like mine get butchered by a bunch of idiots, spiking up and down the trees while they do their handiwork.

The fact of the matter is that it is a lot easier to fix a broken line from time to time than to re-grow a beautiful tree. Plus, if someone is that concerned about having uninterruptable power then they can go out and buy a generator and have the best of both worlds. There is no corresponding option for those of us who would rather not see half of a tree hacked off.

Just my two cents, obviously, but I suspect I'm not the only one in the world who shares this opinion.
Not true. Its called the code of silence here. Snitches get stiches

If this were the real world instead of cyberspace, I would imagine you would look like Jerry Cheevers' facemask.:hmm3grin2orange:

Thank goodness I'm safe from the gang of cooperative enablers here.;)

Sounds like you're in a rough 'hood, OTG. I left south chicago when the cops were scared of the blackstone rangers. Haven't looked back, either--they might still be after me!
computeruser said:
Maybe I'm wierd, but I'd rather have the power go out once in a while than have every tree in a nice old neighborhood like mine get butchered by a bunch of idiots, spiking up and down the trees while they do their handiwork.

The fact of the matter is that it is a lot easier to fix a broken line from time to time than to re-grow a beautiful tree. Plus, if someone is that concerned about having uninterruptable power then they can go out and buy a generator and have the best of both worlds. There is no corresponding option for those of us who would rather not see half of a tree hacked off.

Just my two cents, obviously, but I suspect I'm not the only one in the world who shares this opinion.
Computer User-Almost all distribution lines run beside roads, almost all trees that can be accessed with a boom truck are trimmed with a boom. So whatcha talking 'bout Willis? Idiots, hmmm, I would like to see your triplex snipped down, that would be good. Now Treeseer, are you callin me a teenage crook, sayin I'm lying and cheatin? Thers rules about sayin that kind of stuff about members here, but I ain't a rat so your safe. Now Antigrass, uhh what about the 100'+ trees that are 25' away from the line?
I just read my part in provoking that stuff. :monkey:
Some of that carried over from the Deceptive ads thread.

I am banning myself for a week if not more.

Merry Merry!
Funny you should bring up the fact that people plant trees under power lines and eentually the power company will cut it down to a nub 3 feet from the wires. I even seen people plant really exspensive queen palms in front of their establishment and about 3 years later, Asplundh hacks them up. I know that in a couple of years they're going to top then so they look like dead stick in the ground.

To make a long story short, any tree thats under any power line or supply should be cut down to the ground regardless of how long its been there. It would make it safer for the majority of the tree service industry that has to deal with over grown trees in high voltage wires.
WOW, this was quite the read!

I have no problem with what and why you do what you do clearance, but I see some of wha computeruser is saying, and I certainly have no respect for people that knowingly plant trees directly under power lines, see it all the time around here! Friggin idiots!!! And the probelm is VERY bad here in KS, if the wind isn't blowing, there is a tornadoe comming!! I am not even going to get in to the spiking debate, I know it's faster for you, and speed is the name of the game, so no argument, and I can't prove either way that it hurts the trees, so it's a moot point for me as well.
My problem, my mother was home when they came through, she stood out there and told them where and how to cut cut, and they gladly followed her guidance and the tree look beautiful, for being clearanced. But the rest of the trees on the block looked like total AZZ!!!! I get clearing, but do they really have to butcher the tree to do it? Can't some arborculture be applied instead of slice and dice because it's the fastest way?
I really am not attacking anybody, I just want to see a little life and beaty in these tree's when it's all over. I have four removals to do now that these trees have been cleared and the homeowners are appaled at what they came home to. Had they been home Asplund would have taken them down, but they weren't, an now they have to pay me to finnish the job!! It's really sickening to me.
Sorry about the novel.
100' tree

clearance, we dont have any 100' plus trees around here, that I can think of. We do have a 75' plus cottonwood 25' from 3 phase though. The rule for line clearance trimmers, from our electric company, is that they will not leave any over hangs on 3 phase lines. So they side trim it, ever 4 years. Job security in my eyes. I live in a rural area and most of the farmers and folks that have lived out this way for any time have back up power of some kind. The people that start wining when the juice goes out are folks that have recently moved to the country and havent learned how fun it can be. Besides no power from time to time, no phone when the wind blows, no cable, 45 minutes to get a gallon of milk, roads that dont get plowed instantly, ect.. Side note on plowing, a recent country dweller call the township to complain, after a small 1" snow recently, because they had "slid off the road" because it wasnt properly plowed. So the boys got the plow truck to go address this "hazardous" road condition. A beemer was 175' out in a field, chisel plowed no less. Slid off the road, sure.
Back to trees. We live with this issue. If a tree doesnt take out the power line then the drunk teenager or the critter or semi backing up guy or the ice storm will. Its part of life out this way. Most around here would rather have trees than a clear cut. If they dont like the conditions here MOVE.
Just my 2 cents. Happy Holidays up nort der eh.

If I'd known this was going to take off into a bunch of nastiness and name calling, I'd have never started this thread.

When I worked for big orange, the name of the game was speed. Slice and dice. I'm sure it still is. Crews were encouraged to compete to see who could get the most sections done the fastest. We trimmed a ton of trees that should have been removals. A lot of this was the result of it being faster to trim than to remove and in the end, I think we often made things worse by encouraging poor structure on what was left of the tree and tons of sucker growth that was going to be right back in the primaries in 3 years. Things were way worse in residential areas. Homeowners that refused and municipalities planting shade trees directly under the primaries. Of course the end result is going to be bad, from both an aesthetic and arboricultural standpoint.

I live in the woods now and it's easier to manage clearance here. However Clearance is right, you can't take down ever 100' tree that is 25' from the lines. So when the wind blows hard enough, sometimes you're gonna lose power.

The guys working in the neighborhood are doing a decent job. They ARE doing removals on some stuff that should go and cutting other stuff back pretty far. For the most part, they are not just stubbing stuff off. I knew that I was going to lose some of the alders, and they were receptive to my concerns. Nothing to complain about with that.

Wel, I think ****oo's post isa good fair final note to this thread.
Maybe it's time to put it to bed.
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