i think we have to lose the one about the line knows if a measuring device is on it and loads higher if it is; if that was the case, any scale would be suspect; the position loads or it doesn't.
The puzzle confusing to the eye, but so is DdRT as the climber's point becomes the power source, transmission (pull 1 line or both lines) and the load. The groundie passing the line he was pulling to the climber, and the mechanics change instantly.
The secret is, that there is no secret; the magic works on it's own. Even in the hard to believe positions, physics takes no vacations. Even in seeming points of mayhem that only confuse us, if the slingshot was turned upside down and planted into the ground, and you pulled the line to the tension of 100#, the loaded arc on the frictionless, zero rope angle mount would be 200#, the 2/1 is easier to see. Turn mayhem upside down and hang again, the arc is still at zero with zero friction, if the mount/load weighs 100#, that 100# sets the line tension as a power source rather than your arms. That is the only difference. It can be no other way. If a rubberband mount was put in place to hold the pulley on Tim's or my broomstick rigs; the pulley could only move up 1" as 1" was taken from 1 leg of the pulley, and 1" from the leg of the other pulley. This is giving up 2x distance input, for the output gained. As the rubberband stretched, the load will drop 2" to every 1" the pulley moves. The position, must be double loaded. At zero degrees separation, the pulley must carry the sum of both legs of tension. By easy definition, the supporting leg, must already equal the load. by further definition, irregardless of the rope angle, with no friction, the hitchpoint must equal the support point.
Lesson being that the covenant of the arc is kept under any circumstances, it increases tension at it's point when loaded.
i believe that the usefulness in pulling a spar over is a brief one, but at the right moment, and in a powerful way trying to spin the spar, and do that on the arching on the hinge also. It's application follows my
Forcing Hinge Strength Theory in timing and utility.
i think forcing a spar over with line, loads the hinge more, giving more strength in hinge as a response in the equal and opposite genre. But, You can bust butt pulling and yanking for 5 minutes, just to have that force ready, right at first folding, the rest of the effort generally is wasted. Pull after first folding on the hinge when not stalled, weakens the hinge device, let it work nature-ally. So a pulse of power, through that window of time at first folding is most efficient. Like the magic of sliding stones in an egyptian tomb, lining them up and everything is like easy and light magic can happen as something slides open. Pressed wrong and the stones either don’t move or cause some kind of collapse. Pulling on the hinge after first folding speeds the machine, losing power I believe (unless installed). The power loss is the hinge strength that was set at maximum at first folding.
Edit-Brutha Mike, any arc loaded; follows the covenant of the arc power in line. As always, we thank you for your Bombmassticness; and now continue with our regular pro-gramming.

Obviously MM doesn't think i can raise mayhem; i'z a ritlin doped lil'he!!-raiser from way back!:Monkey:

:If this is one of the times you are actually frickin'serious because of star alignmeant last night(John Wayne, Jimmy Stewart), i believe that each position of arc-ing would adhere to the laws of loaded arc-ing. If the systen was friction free, the hitch at tie off borne as much tension as the initial pull, -the pulley positions would be loaded to ~2x pull, save the top one that is more open angle betwixt the pulley's 2 legs of line to it. Making obviously the 500 the number of drawing tries it took to produce the masterpeace.