Piotr Pakula
ArboristSite Operative
These photos are from the islands ;-)
That is slick. I like that...alot.Today, I filled one of my half cord boxes with splits from my self un-loading wood hauler trailer...
It works REALLY good, and it's nice splitting the wood, with the splits being pushed right off the end of the beam into the trailer.
It works out very good, it's a huge plus that my splitter fills it for me,That is slick. I like that...alot.
Thank you. I’ll see if I can find a picture of it originally, I had to set it on blocks to use it cause of that very same reason... I can’t stand being bent over while splittingI like the height on that thing. It don’t take long leaning over a splitter to not be able to stand up strait.
nice job