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In order to save on the crane bill, one day was allotted for me to take down as much as possible roping, while the next day was slated for the crane to do it's thing.
The first day I left noonish, leaving the ground crew to clean up and dump the truck, ect. They were probably home by 1 or 2 - I dunno, I was home taking my afternoon nap.;)
The next day I finished up the three leads left that shot out over the house, and laid the snag.
Again, home by noon.
The ground crew spent the rest of the day cleaning up, ALAPing/grinding the stump, and whatnot. I dunno.
I was probably taking my siesta by then. :alien:
Butch just likes to have time to spend time with his sweetheart...

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Originally posted by Lumberjack
Having a Red Neck comes from working (hence the Red neck), and is a way of life, without all the crap of a big city.


LMAO - hey Einstein!!

Trust me, when you say "redneck" nobody thinks of hard work.

Tubby, twinkie eatin', oversized tires, and incest are more like it. Oh yeah, a rebel flag too!!! :laugh: Did I mention Big Red?

You win the train wreck award. Keep it coming, I need another laugh.

Y'all keep the pics a flowing. Killed my last big elm before ceremoniously draining my saws today. Wish I took pics.
Originally posted by RockyJSquirrel
Or maybe his old lady cut off his nookie supply???

Dude, you went there, so I have to say it....

At least there is a supply to be cut off.:D

don't take yourselves so seriously. I was just ribbing carl about his "Suthern' Pride". Texas is a little far south itself. :dizzy:
If in any of the forums thread list you click either the Header "Replys" or "Views"; it will sort according to that parameter. Just as for the headers of "Thread", "Thread Starter" or the default "Last Post". The sorting in use will give an arrow on that header; clicking that arrow will stillsort by that parameter, but in the reverse order. Clicking the underlined amount of replies opens a window that lists the respondants in order, by the stated amount of replys. i figured i'd put this on this Blaster thread so he'd read it, seems when i de-scribed how to do this; he mighta not seen what i wuz..............

Presently in Climber's forum threadlist clicking on a few columns will show the Blaster Man as the Master; This thread has ~200 more views than the next closest runner-up; which if i have my way, we'll trash that closest competitor, leaving this Blaster thread with ~800 more views than the next guy's thread!

Also, shows this thread as the one with the most replys of any thread in the forum; in fact 100 more than the closest competition: "Tauntline Hitch Appreciation Thread ", which by the way, he also started. Clicking the amount of replys at this time shows that of the 242 replys, 65 were his efforts on his party'thread.

And i guess that is jsut the part the numbers show!
That is a lot; better watch out JP!

Thanks Dude!:cool:
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I think it's fair to say that Butch has been a cool addition to our group...:D

addition of WHAT exactly, we don't know:eek:

Where are all the groundwork pictures? Here's a pic of some of my groundwhoring. Tree too dead to rig off of. No drop zone but a steep driveway. Made a big nest at the top of the driveway, threw some plywood on top. And made log/ brush terraces down the driveway to catch the rounds. Now that's skill:p

Sorry dial up guys, but shrinking the pic would hide the intricacies of my artistry:D.
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This is a pic of a little pine that I did today. It is the one leaning over the well house. It took 1:45 (hours) from driving on to driving off. Gotta go back tommorrow and rake up.
Comming down. Leaving stubs (not not normally, but with the lean it made it easier) I am not wearing a helment, or saftey glasses, so that is out of the way for the rest of the pics.

What does the 'lean' have to do with the leaving of the stubs?

Carl if your gonna imbed the pics you need to make em smaller for our dial-up folks!

Don't streech the page, eh?