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Do you have a lot of equipment floating into electrical lines or am I losing some perspective from the pictures? I am so freakin hesitant around lines that I keep passing on jobs with stuff in that kind of proximity. Just looking for info...rocking pics.
they were cable and phone service lines the triplex power wire was up higher but i work around power lines everyday i am very safe around them.
not sure about where you were working but here in the south you can get a triplex dropped just for your tree job, and i believe (never had too) you can drop cable and bell yourself.
Hi Carl, sometimes I get as much enjoyment out of taking pictures as I do out of working in the woods.
Anyway, here's an action shot of Gaston Dupriere of Quebec.
been too busy for taking pictures,anyhow heres an il timed shot and some "grey gold"well free to local miller.this wood is like real heavy, and a good test of how sharp your saw really is.
Here's the mess I was working on lastnite, you see John this is why I can't talk on the phone and work. Even if all these wires were tagged I would stil have a hard time figuring which one goes where. :rolleyes:

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???? Marky, thats BAD! And i thought my jungle behind the home entertainment system was bad!
Hey, i like the chain of interconnected surge strips you got going there. Does that meet electrical code up that way?!?! :p

Ron, that makes my entertainment system look neet, but look at the back of my computer!
Barky, I suppose that's the system from which you have been sending me and Choppermom all that hatemail! Ya slimey lil creep!
Anyway, if you look in the picture I have imbedded you will see that burried at the bottom of the heap that I do infact have high speed internet, however, if you knew what you were doing you would have had me hooked up and running, but Noooooooo..!
It's hard to get good help over the net!
Good pic John.. You beat me too it! My camera wasnt handy on the my last post, as i had intended to shot the back of my computer deck, and then behind my TV/Entertainment system..

keep up the great pics..

Did two dead pines yesterday afterwork. The one on the ground was dust about twenty feet up so I just put a line on it and persuaded it down. For reference, stump diameter at cut was 30 inches.