No pics, but today I had to cut 5 pines. 4 where dead, and in a grove or thicket. The live one was in the yard. It wasnt more than 12"DBH, but probably closer to 10".
I started with the live one, to get the easist out of the way. So I start up it on spikes, no biggy, but the tree was so small that I was having to put my spikes on the side, just to keep my heels from hitting when I had to stand there on the tree.
So I climb up about 30' and think, "I need to make a wrap with my lanyard, this tree is gettin really small." So I take one more step, and wham............
I slide my butt down the tree the whole freakin way. I hit the ground (didnt hurt at all). The whole way down I am thinkin that i need to lean back to get the lanyard to catch on something, but the trunk was smooth. Got rope burn on my hand from it sliding down the tree, and missin some skin from my bicept.
The customer (a friend) asked if I meant to do that. I said "Kinda, I forgot my ear plugs."
So now I am on the ground, I make a wrap and head back up the tree, get to about 40' and cut out what is left of the top. Come down on my rope, and cut the spar.
Wish that I had a video of it, it must have been mighty funny

Cut the rest of the trees, feelin like crap for slidin like that. Felt "off" for the rest of the day, but the work has to be done. Took me 2 hours to cut all five, and buck up the trunks for the fella. We all shot the breeze for a long time, and I sharpened a chainsaw. All in all it was pretty fun tho. No cleanup!!
Lessons learned. When the tree is that small, make a wrap!!