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Go for it

Gimme yur best shot!

Hey Butch, don't be so hard on the guy. How can you charge a fortune without looking the part or making a career out of it?
Get with it will ya!
Every piece is useful and has it's place,,,I look very similar in the tree....I still haven't found the need for a blood stopper kit in the tree. Maybe in the truck,,,, but I think i'd prob rather come down and adress the problem, than have to tote around something else all the time...I see it as a little overkill/gimicky...Just my opinion...
Originally posted by TreeJunkie
I still haven't found the need for a blood stopper kit in the tree. Maybe in the truck,,,, but I think i'd prob rather come down and adress the problem, than have to tote around something else all the time...I see it as a little overkill/gimicky

As a rural and Wilderness EMT who's witnessed the significant blood loss from a chainsaw kickback cut to the shoulder, I keep a ziplock of trauma bandages and tape between the suspension and the shell of my chainsaw helmet.

If that "bloodstopper kit" also contains some of the new artificial coagulants that can litterally plug up a major bleed in seconds, then it's hardly "gimicky" to carry it into the tree. By the time you could get down to the truck, if you could even do that on your own, you could be going into shock from blood loss.

- Robert
Emergency Coagulants

Originally posted by TreeCo
Where can I find for sale the blood stopper kits you mention?

They're pretty new on the market and generally available only to EMS people, but I don't think they would turn down an order. For $10.95 you can get a self-contained plastic bellows-type applicator loaded with TraumaDex good for one application.

Go to: TraumDex

If you claim to be part of a rescue squad, they'll even send you a free sample and some literature.

- Robert
Originally posted by RescueMan
I keep a ziplock of trauma bandages and tape between the suspension and the shell of my chainsaw helmet.

- Robert

I was at a safety seminar where hemets were the topic. It was mentioned that nothing should interfer with the suspension system of a hard hat. The speaker mentioned an injury that could have been prevented if the climber didn't have a sandwich stuck in there.
Some other interesting tidbits were, don't use markers or paint on the helmet, don't drill holes, don't modify in any way, and replace every three years do to UV degridation.

helmets, my knowledge....

dont do anything that the manufacturer doesnt recommend, no paint, stickers, glue, pens anything, unless approved by the manufacturer,

check the shell and the suspension systems for wear and tear,

replace every 2 years if in full time use, replace every 5 years if in part time use and chuck out after 10 years no matter what

I've known a number of people who keep one of their wives sanitary pads (yes unused :rolleyes: ) in the helmet suspention for a compression bandage.

They are cheap and designed to absorb blood.
We need to have us a party here-ahh. Too much gloom and doom of late...

I'm gonna sit on this and have me a smoke... smell the smells...
If cuban sandwich blocked movement of suspension system and/or sandwich transferred shock to head not going thru suspension system(?)

Some ol'loggers down'ere used to tell of going out alone with a saw for felling, spread safely apart to keep from hitting anyone (hopefully); but no 'buddy' then either. In time a radio. They would travel light; carry a wedge, scwrench, file etc.; everything compact; the file handle was dry storage for plug, filter, recoil string. They would take the individually wrapped sanitary napkins, along with signal mirror etc. Sometimes the signal mirror helped in being rescued, a lot of times the mirror helped a man alone gushing blood from the face and/or throat where they couldn't see just where to slap and compress the sanitary napkin on especially nasty kickback injuries before passing out. Literally saving the day before any rescue in sight.
Originally posted by MasterBlaster
We need to have us a party here-ahh. Too much gloom and doom of late...

I'm gonna sit on this and have me a smoke... smell the smells...

You sit on THAT stump, you won't be sitting on ANYTHING for awhile.
I'd say 53 pages later you gotta allow for some drift..
And speaking of "aint a hardhat thread... I know you cropped that pic, cause you didn't want to hear it about not wearing a lid...

PS. the pic is of Mark Chisholm doing a little climbing demo here locally.. that's Big Jon on the back taking it all in..
My hobbs is lonely in the mancab
and the 3120 longs for a stump to stab
More trees please

Not Haiku but WTF
The aftermath of extracting a small pine from the hole that it created, errr as the bewildered home owner stated, "eye jus cut it an da wind just picked up, I dunno." Another Wal-mart shopper falls victim to the Poulan; pull on and on and it just don't start chainsaw. The good that came from this accident is that no one was hurt and hey maybe the living room and kitchen needed cleaning anyway. Oh, I forgot, the house is only two weeks old. BUMMER!
