Thanks datatwins (Happy b/day).
If you offered me $150 U.S or A.U A couple of MONTHS in to this progect...I might of taken it..
I should of charged more$$...I did answer this Twice on PMs
The place it was in was near a little creek near Tweed Heads N.S.W, The place was for sale and the owner got me to do some cleaning up befor the auction...This mostly entailed cutting logs up and carying by trolly UP HILL and away from the river..
We ore verry protective over here (fined if you dont) of our creeks and rivers.Some one years before had cut down and left some large chunks of Western red ceder all through this creek...The owner thought some of his money might go to govt coffers,so he got me to clean up the creek before public could see it..
enough back ground.. When i stumbled onto the root.. It was
undermined by many years of water flow, compleaty dead and quite dry..The top of the tree had come off many many years before,Lightning maybe? Anyway, it had tried to grow lot of times,
new, then dead shoots were everywhere. I told the guy I would love that (the stump), and he looked at the top of the hill - then the stump - then back at me!! Hell your crazey!!
A "glitcth" with some paper work, cancelled the first auction..
There was just noway to get a machine down near it. Plus I would of wreaked the beautifull creek with a machine.
Had to do it all by hand!! Firstly i had a small but powerfull pump,
that blasted some dirt off then the pick and shovel came out..
that was pretty hard to start with. By the time i was 6feet under it , 2 months had past,, only had a month left, the next auction was soon...
Now the cutting...046 with 36' bar@3/8 chain (i wish I;d bought two rolls)..Well i'm sure you can imagin the sharpining that went on...Despite the water, The main problem was the cavities in the stump...Full of rocks that "grew" into the tree as it was growing..
Of course this would send the chain off track,and you run the risk of making a banana table..
Now the really hard part...Getting it out..
first thing i had to do was protect it. Done by wrapping it in "moving van" type thick blankets and 30 rolls of silver tape..
Then I had climbed several trees an set pullys in them,hopeing to sort of lift and drag it up littel bits at a time.. Useing several winches and block and tackle sets. The branch broke (nearly hit me) And i allready was pretty betten up by all the work gettin it to this point,,,But I can smell the money...
Fixed the tear in the branch, and "Fixed" a few other trees (all of which I still had to get out to the track..Now I had every pully I own hangin somewhere..
The peice was still one peice (not the three i made out of it)
and i slowley got it up the hill ( a month)..It was still way to heavey to get on my truck so I cut it there(at least on levilish ground for a change)into two slabbs. The main was one, but left the other two for the workshop..It was pretty rough (what did you expect, a nice flet table) And then some more hard work making it level, started with 020 takin off some lumps, then planed it for weeks then belt sander for weeks then the orbital then by hand..At this stage I had a few folks interested in them, and they were looking real good..The lady that bought them (Dallas) only wanted them as a "trio" or not at all. She loved the fact that it was all one tree, in three tables But wanted the other two left "naturall" Hence in photos the smaller ones arnt stained.
Yes it is ozzy dollars.and lots of them at the time..Dont know if i'd ever do it again (without a machine)but finding some thing like that is the hardest part anyway..
Heres another shot closer up. You can see one edge went "bananas" on me, Dallas thought it added character,and loved it?? Next time i'll try to make them flatter to start with(rocks dependant..) Any more questions i'd be happy to answer(on this thread) my typings too slow for too many PM answers.
Stay safe everyone ... Regards Derek...
Ps ill send pic next (have to scan it first