Herre Gud! Why can't we get those two little ones here?!? It almost enough to make me want to visit my relatives in Sweden and pick up a couple of saws. Since they are made in Sweden, they must be really cheap there as well. :msp_tongue:
346 & 262 xp
That is a great pair. Where in Maine are you?
Near Wiscasset.
I've had the 346 for a couple years and bought the 262 new in 1990. I think it was the first year available here. Been happy with both saws.
It doesn't look this good anymore, but still have it. Best enduro bike I ever had! In this picture it was only two days old and I decided to bring it inside to take a pic. It was February with about a foot of snow at the time. Luckily my mom and dad were in Florida!:hmm3grin2orange:
You're very close to me. I live in Warren just north of Wiscasset.
Nice nice I'm down near Scarborough. Jealous of that pair for sure, love to get my hands on a 262 dead or alive.