light rigging

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ArboristSite Guru
Nov 1, 2010
Reaction score
Dalrymple, Ont, Canada
well im sure to get chewed up on this one, especially by the "commercial" guys, but whatever. Anyone ever use a micro pulley for light rigging. Its rated for 7000lbs and much easier to carry around or switch spots on the tree, possibly have several for different applications. let me have it lol
well im sure to get chewed up on this one, especially by the "commercial" guys, but whatever. Anyone ever use a micro pulley for light rigging. Its rated for 7000lbs and much easier to carry around or switch spots on the tree, possibly have several for different applications. let me have it lol

I have a dmm pinto the purple one I have used for light branches that just needed a redirect on the way down
used with a loopie 3/8 3 to 15 inch 2500lbs will that combo you can easly keep in a climbers bage
If we're doing light rigging we just use a steel rigging biner until we get into big stuff then we jump right to 3/4" blocks.

yep that and a 1/2" rope and your good for small stuff. I have a CMI pulley I use for my speed line I use the odd time for light rigging as well. Just gotta know when to go bigger and switch over

I would just keep in mind that rope is not all the same
you need to know your brand and what kind rigging ver climbing
I just like the pinto because it has all smooth edges and I like the large wheel so I dont worry about rope getting snake skind like when you tie a shoe and the outer shell of the shoe lace gets pulled and just bunches up
your rope is tested under load but not in a binding load like over a non rolling serfice smaller suerfice the weaker the rope
so just a steel biner on a sling with your rope through it?

I do that all the time as well. For stuff weighing 40-50 lbs, just needing redirected, or wanting to avoid divots in the grass works great. A micro pully would make that a step good reason to not use that, I just don't bother with the small stuff.

I have Beranek's "Working Climber Series 2" in the DVD player to be watched next time I have opportunity, so maybe I'll change my song (one way or the other) after hearing his opinions on the matter!

ive seen those small pulleys explode... some guys forget about the shock load... for me .. as a general rule ... my rigging set up should handle twice the expected shock load... i over build the rigging and i usually dont have any problems...
The bend radius on the rope isn't too extreme if your just using a biner? Or is rigging rope not as finicky as climbing rope. Reason I ask this is because I just picked up some 1/2" rigging rope and wanted to do some light stuff because ive only rigged a handful of times. I want some trial and error on little stuff before I send a 500lb chunk of wood through someone's car or have it break my legs.
Good question, see you weren't beat up at all! Like said above, keep it light and you will be fine. When using the biners, make sure that the rope cant run over the gate. Depending on the rope, the gate can catch a little "hair" sticking out and make it much bigger, if there is enough weight, it can screw up the gate up as well. I use the micros all the time for small stuff, making make shift fiddle block set ups, speed lines, etc, great little tool. Inspect them alot tho, slightest little crack and its no good. Like said above, Don't ever "chance it" and go bigger, a decent shock load will destroy that thing in the blink of a eye.