Its about liability; the number one cause of fatalities in agriculture is electrocution. I don't know of any line clearance contracts that do not require certification. Every one my company has ever bid required all your line trimmers be certified. Without certification, or without receiving documented training from an experienced line trimmer you are not " qualified" by OSHA standards. The result being you have no business being within 10 feet of a primary, even if it is just a private job. We Use to work for Boston Edison, Mass Electric, and a few municipal light departments. Now we are down to one line clearance contract in our home town. Asplundh had the rates SO low in our area there is very little money in it any more, and you have to own so many rigs no more then 6 years old, just to be a qualified bidder. There is much more money in the private work. If you do go in that direction, you will need certified employees, on the books at your states prevailing wages for line trimmers and groundman.