at a guess, the loader control is a joystick? back and forth equals up and down, side to side dump or curl bucket? or maybe its two sticks but more or less the same functions?
with the proper solenoid valve, you should be able to have power in power out, so a rocker switch mounted to your current bucket control, then your thumb just holds one side or the other to open or close grapples, one hand could control all three functions, while the other is left to drive the machine. Leaving the feets to control throttle, and brakes (assuming it has brakes lol)
If you just have a diverter valve then mounting it direct to the bucket control would still be more logical and far easier to learn, something about foot controlled functions is always janky especially if your fighting between throttle and brakes already.
Ya ever run the early Deere hydrostatic dozers, or some early skid steers? foot turn or foot controlled loaders, fecking goofy as frig and a total PITA to operate, especially if you need to crane yer body around to see what your doing... trying to half stand/crouch while peeking over a blade/bucket/grapple while also trying to turn or pour rock with your feet... who ever thought of this method should be sacked, then wrapped in a burlap sack and un taught how to swim.