Looking at a new Dolmar 9010...

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Dec 12, 2009
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Clayton, NY
I am looking to buy a new Dolmar 9010 before you can't find any in the US. I am a Dolmar fan, so please refrain from trying to talk me into a 660 or a 395xp, I have nothing against either one, I just like Dolmars more than the Stihls or Huskys. I am wondering what you guys who have them think of them?
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I have one (as well as a 395 and an 066) and really love it. It handles Aussie hardwoods with a 24" bar and while not quite in the class of the 395, is a very willing saw.
I believe they can be really improved with a woods port and my only complaint is it has a very difficult muffler to mod. It took me a long time to get rid of the internal baffles - but that should not be a deterrant to purchasing one.



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it is the same saw as the 90 cc solo I am led to believe. They are underpowered and overweighted compared to all of the other new dolmars and honestly on paper are not much more saw than the 7900 series makita/dolmars, At a much higher weight! ms 660 would be a better option I reckon. The 9010 is like the old dolmars , HEAVY and a little low on power, but reliable.
Never ran one, but after seeing Brad's thread a while back about sawdust fines getting past the filter, I would not buy one. Reliable filtration is a must on a milling saw.
Never ran one, but after seeing Brad's thread a while back about sawdust fines getting past the filter, I would not buy one. Reliable filtration is a must on a milling saw.

Wow if thats the case you can bet on Big Problems....#1 in milling I try to keep an aircompresser handy and blow everthing out on each run.
I thought the dust was getting through because a loose filter if I remember right.
I love my 9010. More torque than a 660, runs neck and neck with a 395. Mine has a 32 inch bar. I can bury it and the rpms run about 9500 in the wood. In 20" wood it ain't gonna win any races but in 25" +wood it shines. I've never had any filtration problems whatsoever. I also believe it has a better bar oiler than any 90cc saw that I've ever ran.
Thanks for the info guys. As far as the filtration, I do believe they did have an issue of the filters not fitting quite tight enough on quite a few models but I thought that that had been taken care of in the later models, I could be wrong.
Best to buy what you like.Ever thought of adapting a motorcycle engine to mill with?I know you could get one cheap enough.With your set up.It could work?Just thinking out loud.I never built one so i don't know nothing LOL
Best to buy what you like.Ever thought of adapting a motorcycle engine to mill with?I know you could get one cheap enough.With your set up.It could work?Just thinking out loud.I never built one so i don't know nothing LOL

I have thought of that John, but with a utility engine from TSC to start with. Now that you mention it, I do have an old Agway riding lawn mower that might do the trick, just have to put a sprocket and some kind of clutch on it. I will stick with a saw for now, but that is a good plan for the future.
I was thinking of something like a 2 stroke 125 or bigger?Lots of junk bikes around with good motors.Plus all the after market parts you could get for the motor.Beef it up a little LOL

I see where you are going with those thoughts, you're going to force me to build a ported milling setup that will saw a log in a matter of seconds, aren't you?
Wrong thread! :hmm3grin2orange::hmm3grin2orange:

This is the wrong thread isn't it? I guess I have to start something if I'm going to venture out of my favorite hiding place. Here goes: The 395xp couldn't wipe the arse of a good Dolmar.;)
My Dolmar 9010 will be at my dealers place next week. I cannot wait. I bought it without the bar for just over $900. I already have a 28" Dolmar bar on the shop that will go right on it. Can't wait.
Congratulations on making a good choice. I just got my 9010 back from being ported. This saw ran great before, but it runs awesome now. I think he must have bored the carb too, because it's got explosive acceleration now. I hope you enjoy yours as much as I enjoy mine.

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