Ok, here's my two cents worth. I went through the SEARCH late last year for a good splitter also. I am just getting set up to sell firewood and wanted a quality unit that would last, had a proven track record, a fast cycle time, out feed table grate, a four way wedge option, honda engine, good portability, and a comfortable working height. I ended up choosing the American 25HH with the Honda 8 hp, 16 gal pump, 10 second cycle time, 4 way wedge, 13" road tires, and 25" working height out-feed table, and an option called a wedge backer. To date, I am very satisfied with this machine. The Timberwolf is top of the line but I didn't see enough quality difference between the two to go with the Timberwolf considering the additional cost.
My next choice for less money would probably have been the Iron and Oak if I had not purchased the American. I didn't seriously consider any others for various reasons, cycle times, service, working heights, engine options, etc. We have Speeco locally but as others have noted, the quality seems to be slipping.
I am confident that the American will serve me well for a long time and if I can get my sales up enough to justify it, I would consider purchasing the Supersplit to add to the equation. Short of a processor, I think that would be a hard pair to improve on if your sales could justify the purchase. Hope this helps out somewhat.