Stiff Member
I have a few of those stories.
I was told a few days ago that Cal Fire was continuing to take applications for contractors as of this week. I do not know the reason maybe there has been a poor response from previous contractors. This years rate for fallers' was $2,000 a day. Which sounds great until you put all the expenses down. If however you can get a good array of assignments then it can be worth while. I received a much more positive response than I did several years ago. This year is out for me as I already have numerous commitments. I have two F250 4X4's which I would like to use with 400 gallons tanks, but they wanted 10,000 gallon capacity trucks which I will consider. I was trying to convey that I can be pretty much any place in California in 10 hours, but they were concerned about contractors being in certain zones or grids. At any rate one can get a great deal of information from their local coordinator. Maybe Dogs can elaborate on the system and protocol. Thanks
Ted I assume you meant the pay for fallers is $2,000.00 per falling module, 2 guys.I was told a few days ago that Cal Fire was continuing to take applications for contractors as of this week. I do not know the reason maybe there has been a poor response from previous contractors. This years rate for fallers' was $2,000 a day. Which sounds great until you put all the expenses down. If however you can get a good array of assignments then it can be worth while. I received a much more positive response than I did several years ago. This year is out for me as I already have numerous commitments. I have two F250 4X4's which I would like to use with 400 gallons tanks, but they wanted 10,000 gallon capacity trucks which I will consider. I was trying to convey that I can be pretty much any place in California in 10 hours, but they were concerned about contractors being in certain zones or grids. At any rate one can get a great deal of information from their local coordinator. Maybe Dogs can elaborate on the system and protocol. Thanks
Ted I assume you meant the pay for fallers is $2,000.00 per falling module, 2 guys.
Here’s the specs for the faller module from the current guide.Each Module consists basicly of one experienced saw operator and one aid for carring equipment and such. Each of those units should receive about $2,100 per day or per call. Each unit must have the ability to travel to remote difficult areas and then hike the rest of the way to the actual effected area or fire. The reason for a sturdy reliable 4 X 4 and supporting items. One thing that has been an issue with me is finding individuals who are ready to work at a moments notice and work hard. From my experience I have yet to be surprised, wind comes up humidity falls fires start and grab your hat. A team might need help in an area and excuses are not looked at in favored way. I think. Thanks
My kid is a sawyer and he has told me that they limit the size of trees that he can cut. The big dogs are called in for huge/and/or dangerous trees. The average stuff is taken care of by the ground crews. He said that the fallers are no joke and cut some serious trees. They run big saws and really know what they are doing. It pays very well, but you had better have your act together to do that.
I’m not sure about the logistics for folks coming from out of state-Cal Fire is a s### s####. Out of state fire fighting crews cannot go fight fire there, until they go through Kalifornia fire training. SMDH. The arrogance and stupidity is what has gotten their state in the mess they are now.
Is there at least a small possibility that Cal fire doesn't want to be sued when crews from other states with nothing comparable to California terrain encounter conditions for which they are completely unprepared? Here's some info on Nebraska's highest point - lousy prep for conditions in the coastal range, much less the Sierras.Cal Fire is a s### s####. Out of state fire fighting crews cannot go fight fire there, until they go through Kalifornia fire training. SMDH. The arrogance and stupidity is what has gotten their state in the mess they are now.
Is there at least a small possibility that Cal fire doesn't want to be sued when crews from other states with nothing comparable to California terrain encounter conditions for which they are completely unprepared? Here's some info on Nebraska's highest point - lousy prep for conditions in the coastal range, much less the Sierras.
Panorama Point also known as Constable Mountain, is the highest natural point in Nebraska, at an elevation of 5,429 feet (1,655 m) above sea level. It is located in southwestern Kimball County, near the point where Nebraska and Wyoming meet on Colorado's northern boundary. Despite its name and elevation, Panorama Point is not a mountain or a hill; it is merely a low rise on the High Plains.
wait, theres a "high spot" in Nebraska? I remember hemp growing in the ditches but no hills to speak of.Is there at least a small possibility that Cal fire doesn't want to be sued when crews from other states with nothing comparable to California terrain encounter conditions for which they are completely unprepared? Here's some info on Nebraska's highest point - lousy prep for conditions in the coastal range, much less the Sierras.
Panorama Point also known as Constable Mountain, is the highest natural point in Nebraska, at an elevation of 5,429 feet (1,655 m) above sea level. It is located in southwestern Kimball County, near the point where Nebraska and Wyoming meet on Colorado's northern boundary. Despite its name and elevation, Panorama Point is not a mountain or a hill; it is merely a low rise on the High Plains.
Cal Fire is a s### s####. Out of state fire fighting crews cannot go fight fire there, until they go through Kalifornia fire training. SMDH. The arrogance and stupidity is what has gotten their state in the mess they are now.
After initially taking the class I went to work as a faller for a local logging contractor. It was good work, falling some decent hazard trees. Then our unit got burnt. Apparently we’re going back to log there soon, but driving a water tender on the fire is the gig for right now. View attachment 855948
Cal Fire is a s### s####. Out of state fire fighting crews cannot go fight fire there, until they go through Kalifornia fire training. SMDH. The arrogance and stupidity is what has gotten their state in the mess they are now.
(That opinion got me kicked of a wildland fire forum).
Think far too many folks confuse opinion with facts these days, then get ass hurt when some one corrects them.Thanks Ron. So many people are so tender they can't abide anyone else having an opinion different than theirs.