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We just need to cut down on the CO2 emissions a wee bit...
This year I brought in 6 cords, split, dry, and stacked. Four are almost gone. Looks like collection time in late March or early April in order to get through. Heckuva winter shaping up, and it just started three weeks ago. Good grief!
Yup, I too might have to look for some prospective standing dead trees. I'm pretty much done cutting for '09-'10 but that stuff is so green you can smell the sap when you walk by it. I hope it dries out a little though. Maybe I could mix some with my seasoned stuff. And its almost hard to believe that we are not even a month into it.
Climate Change is the correct term.
Is that what the dopes call it now
Cold fall, colder early winter. It's the norm here for Steve( Zodiac) and I living in Paradise. Don't know about others cutting their own, but winter is the best time for me to get out and harvest.....even in close to zero F temps as long as the wind is down. The only PITA is the gear, getting the engines to start and oil to work without splilling on your pants.
For our mixed woodlands and wet areas, some snow--maybe under a foot, and hard ground make easier going and felling. Oh yeah: no bugs, no heat, no nosy bears. We get all of next winter's butts piled well before the spring thaw and black flies later in May.
We're barely into the third cord with winter not 1/2 over. It looks as if it will be a good 6-7 cord season. Damn wood stoves do feel good. opcorn:
That's for sure LB! We're able too get close too the stuff we sometimes can't except dead of summer and who wants too cut wood then! I will say the last few days I had no desire too even think about it but 20's, oh yeah. With this light snow coat frozen hard, this is great harvesting. late Feb and March are my biggest month for bringing home the rounds.
Add a touch of kero to your bar oil, she'll flow nicely.