X-Raying shows 'pockets', little holes within the metal whose outward surface appears to be otherwise sound. Imperfections within the weld, and the depth of weld, like where you have two flat surfaces and you weld a nice, righteous bead, but a good-looking surface bead doesn't always tell the story of what's deeper. Also, sometimes you lay a weld on top of a weld and bits of slag can get trapped in there. An X-ray will show junk in your weld.
I stick weld (arc), so it's fairly easy to get imperfections in your weld, but then again I'm not welding racecar or airplane frames. Jay D is MIG welding, which is easier and a more efficient weld, he does amazing beautiful work. I'd bet money they're close to perfect.
There's a forum site I used to lurk now and then, just like our arboristsite, but it's for welders, with a very helpful search function like ours. Think we have big egos floating around here?, go try that site. Without a doubt, though, those guys know their stuff.