Work Saw Specialist
The chain is a new loop of Oregon LGX
The chain is a new loop of Oregon LGX
Reeds are just on the strato so no fuel through themSo the reeds don't handle fuel..? Anyone?
Just air Jimmy.
Reeds are just on the strato so no fuel through them
This man gets it.The imbedded youtube videos blur the fast stuff so much the discharge always tends to look dusty to me. On my phone I can see a stream of big chips, on YouTube looks like a cloud of dust
Also interesting is that the "blowdown" is fairly large, whereas with other stratos I've seen that angle is smaller than typical. Definitely some different stuff going on here.EDIT: I also noticed the transfer duration, from your figures it would be just 100 degrees. Also from the pictures it looks like the transfer ports may have emphasised a wider port to bring the time/area back up.
Its been a while since I looked at the patents, but I recall the first strato design was a reed valve to the upper transfers. That design did not have a control valve to bring in the strato later, it operated all the time, even at idle.
Some of the Dolmar design may be an attempt to get around other patents.
The first thing I noticed when I saw the two intakes was how small the strato butterfly was in comparison to the carb. Perhaps the reeds allow the strato port to remain open much longer and the extra area of the ports isn't needed. Reeds tend to stay open much longer than you would think they should.
This is an interesting design, it kinda reminds me of the motorcycle engines that used a piston port design that had a 'floor' to the port that fed a reed valve. That design gave the engine more mid-range torque.
EDIT: I also noticed the transfer duration, from your figures it would be just 100 degrees. Also from the pictures it looks like the transfer ports may have emphasised a wider port to bring the time/area back up.
Also interesting is that the "blowdown" is fairly large, whereas with other stratos I've seen that angle is smaller than typical. Definitely some different stuff going on here.
I would assume the blow down is greater on this saw as the duration allowed for fresh air in the upper trans is much less than the typical design that opens starto and case volume at the same time.
Meaning less "clean" air needs to scavenge out.
Seams to me, the strato is drawn from bdc until the upper trans are closed off by the piston. Once that occurs, a fresh charge is on top when the intake opens at 71°.
But doesn't it have to fight high pressure the way back down for a longer time, due to the reed closing sooner? The piston ported intake is still open, but that is a short duration.There is also less pumping loss when the engine can actually breathe rather that fighting against an increasing low pressure below the piston.
Did you read what I wrote?At BDC the transfers will still be flowing because of crankcase compression. However, once the transfers are closed, the crankcase can begin to create a low pressure to draw in the next charge. In the case of a straight piston port engine, there is a lag time between the transfers closing and the intake opening (say at 80 degrees BTDC). With the reeds, there will be no lag in induction, the reeds will begin to flow as soon as the pressure drops. There is also less pumping loss when the engine can actually breathe rather that fighting against an increasing low pressure below the piston.
The elimination of that lag time in the induction cycle is what gives a rotary valve engine such an advantage. A reed valve engine also has that advantage, unfortunately it also has the reeds obstructing the flow.
I do like this design, it appears to have some potential.