McCulloch 1432 ?

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ArboristSite Operative
May 29, 2001
Reaction score
Grand Rapids, MI
McCulloch MS1432 ?

Alright I have a question for everyone. My father purchased a brand new Mac MS1432 recently at a store closing. I'm just wondering what the HP of the saw is and also what it compares to in the Stihl and husky lineup. He bought it real cheap is all i know. O and any opinions about the plastic Mac would be welcome too.

Thank you

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Not quite like that Robert, but close, yeah right. Anyways I think it is compareable to an 018 and possibly a 136 husky. Anyways my dad bought it for $70 brand new. The saw has been sitting for who knows how long however she is brand new. So i think that was a nice deal for the saw. THanks for the info

The old rating as far as I can remember was 10cc = 1 horse power,I think. So if thats true you have a 3 h.p. saw.But my advise about this saw is pretty simple;if it breaks throw it away !!And it will quit,eventually.
Like most small saws the 1432 will do exactly what it was designed to do trim and cut smaller timber on a casual basis, not denude the earth of all timber.

Regardless of the thoughts of this forum the little saws do a great job for a little bit of your money but thats it, just don't expect it to last forever as all saws have a life expectancy limited to price or the more you spend the longer it will hopefully last.

Mc Bob.