I spent the better part of the day (after shoveling snow again) working on the fixture to simplify drilling the two extra holes for the 10 Series automatic oil pumps. I am now waiting for a package from McMaster Carr to finish one up, then I hope to get some more parts and make up 5 or 6 more. Once I know it will work, I'll go ahead and start a thread with the whole story. Probably a good time to revisit the whole 10 Series oiler system again since the photos were lost from the old try. If all goes as I hope, I should be able to give a drawing to Homelite410 to see if he can make a run of the basic unit and I can add the finishing touches.
Too many other projects going on in the shop as well; still need a couple simple things to finish up the Mini Mac so I can get that one back to the owner, I have a CP55 down all the way since I needed the oil tank for the fixture project above, and a PM700 I plan to complete with a NOS cylinder and piston.
Want to give a special shout out to Jim (boda65), glad you could find a moment for us. Come back as often as you can.
I think the 380 is officially a no go. Have had it running a few times but it will not stay running now wont start at all. Does have a tilly on it which was cleaned and rebuilt. I'm out of options and know how on what to do with it. If you pour fuel down carb it will pop but just doesn't seem like it's pullin fuel. If nothing else I'll part it out as it has alot of good parts on it. And yes I did check compression it's good right at 145.
Replaced the reeds, fuel lines, sealed the crap out of the the gasket around the reeds. A guy I know here had a bunch of nos parts for these old saws so I picked up what I thought it could be and replaced it. So far only have about $75 in the saw don't honestly know if it's worth puttin more in it.