So I picked up a 77 off CL over a month ago and finally had sometime to work on it. The recoil was disassembled when I got it,so this week I compared the IPL with what I had to see whats missing.
19549(spring starter clutch) 19568(starter clutch washer), 24488(keyed washer), 101795(snapring).
Since I have a parts 3-25 I checked that IPL and find that the recoil assembly and parts match the 77 per mcculloch part number. However when I go swap parts I find they are both different. The taller recoil housing is from the 77 in the pic. So now Im not sure what to do. I want to keep the saw as original as possible. Is the recoil that I have wrong for the 77? Or is the 3-25 simply not compatable with the 77?
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