And did it weigh 25lbs? LOL
Cool score, Tim. That one should be lots of fun for a long time!
Picked up this little guy in a mini-score of my own a couple days ago. It's in remarkably good condition under all the funk. Been well used, but well taken care of until it got put away for who knows how long before I got it. Killer compression. Bright blue spark. Tank is spotless. Brand new Stihl chain and paint is still on the bar nuts. Gotta love the oil tank cap, tho. Not sure what someone was thinking there..., unless it was for draining the tank without making a mess..., which is actually a pretty good idea if ya think about it. Only obvious issues I've found so far is a sticky recoil and the fuel line is sloppy at the tank and will leak. Fingers crossed for a good tank seal.
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And yep...., it has one o' these.
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Mix and starting instructions where you'd never lose em, if you ever found em in the first place.
View attachment 653685
Good looking 2-10 Poge. I picked a nice one sometime ago but mine has an SDC on it.
I've fixed a couple of lines that leak at the tank by pulling it towards the rear handle and putting a bit of Motoseal on the line. Several guys use a couple of wraps of teflon plumber's tape if you want to pull the line out.
Besides making a new tank gasket, I've had equally god luck by not touching the gasket and putting some Motoseal on top of the gasket
Mind had a .354 pitch chain on it. I'll be darned if I can find where I put it.