Fixed the pic Ron anyway did some research and found it while the great aboristsite black out was on haha. Did more research and got a whole lot more respect for that company now
Yeap its worth it though thinking more about it prices really are not too bad. E.g. my mate bought a muffler for his stihl was 80 bux down at the dealer and I just bought a NOS sp81 muffler for the same price.
I'm going to try my best to grab it think it's a nice bit history and wil go well with the old saws.
Its takin me 5 years to get good enough on the file where I can fix my mates awfull chains up and identify whats rong with them eg no hook bad angles no gullet but I had to study about it and there not interested a saw is just a tool to them. Buckin billys vids also helped out too. Hopfully this little tool will make a chain that cuts "ok" to wow that chain cuts nice.
Any way whats up with the site crash thing does this happen often? Its been dam neer 20 hours for me
i know how you feel think i over pay for everything i get mac related hard to find way down in south georgia have to pay to play i guess
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Yeap its worth it though thinking more about it prices really are not too bad. E.g. my mate bought a muffler for his stihl was 80 bux down at the dealer and I just bought a NOS sp81 muffler for the same price.
50 year old File- N- Joint. May be Nygran (pre Granberg) unit. From pics I can find, they were painted yellow.
They are very good filing fixtures. Pretty quick as well.
I'm going to try my best to grab it think it's a nice bit history and wil go well with the old saws.
Its takin me 5 years to get good enough on the file where I can fix my mates awfull chains up and identify whats rong with them eg no hook bad angles no gullet but I had to study about it and there not interested a saw is just a tool to them. Buckin billys vids also helped out too. Hopfully this little tool will make a chain that cuts "ok" to wow that chain cuts nice.
Any way whats up with the site crash thing does this happen often? Its been dam neer 20 hours for me