I was working a bit with Ed on that saw yesterday. It was sold to him as a 2-10 but it's an older saw with no tag (no rivet holes where it could have been) and only some numbers stamped into the bottom of the engine case. It does have the larger tank but no secomp on it like the super.
The air filter is the old humped one.
Do those numbers stamped into the bottom of the engine case on the 10 series mean anything to you Mark?
My early IPL for the 10 prefix doesn't have a designation, but I'd guess RH there too since they changed to LH with prefix 12. The 7-10 Power Unit is also LH. There may be other variations, but that's all I could dig up knowing somewhere in the back of my mind they used both RH and LH threads on the PTO side.
It lives again all clean n now freshly dirty hehe. What a strong saw nice snappy throttle response absolute heavenly sound. These 70cc saws have an amazing roar everyone agreed? Right good then Haha brap brap
I had assumed that your saw was a RH start like mine is.I didn't know that the 7-10 was both RH & LH start.Your 7-10 looks like it cut some wood in it's day.I never got a chance to put mine in any wood yet,just some test cuts.I need to adjust the carb,seems to dog down when it needs to kick itself into high gear.I'll just tweak the lo a bit.