Nice looking bar for sure.
Thats a rascal that goes through the trouble of stenciling a bar another brand ? They did a nice job anyway.
Thats a rascal that goes through the trouble of stenciling a bar another brand ? They did a nice job anyway.
Could be ,but a jonsred dealer could have switched to Macs at some point and didnt have display bars? I'd ask the seller were they are from.So do ya recon it's a screw up? It's been for sale a few months. I brought my 1 ages ago
There are quite a few bars out there that are nicely labelled that are the wrong mount. All it takes are a bunch of bars and someone to silkscreen the logo / name on. D024 is very close to a large Husky mount D009.
Does it oil on your MACS?
Anyone have an opinion on a PM60? 10 series version.
Desirable to me. LOL
Ran across this just yesterday. As mentioned, there's one near me I'd love to snag but it's a ways off and caish is a little tight right now for such things with Christmas coming up. But it is Black Friday, so....
I like mine quite a bit, it's definitely lighter than the pro mac 700. I have a 24" bar with full comp on it and it does very well , lots of bark!Anyone have an opinion on a PM60? 10 series version.
I like mine quite a bit, it's definitely lighter than the pro mac 700. I have a 24" bar with full comp on it and it does very well , lots of bark!
I made 3 videos for Jethro a few pages back all the saws are running 8 pin rim sprockets including the pm60 with the 24" , I'll probably swap it back to 7 but the 8 barely phases it.