NorthEast Tennessee Saturday MAC Report
Windy day in North East Tennessee today. Too strong to fall trees so we cut in the wood piles at the lot. Ran my 800 for a while - primarily for exercise as there wasn't anything in the pile that my little off-brand with its sharper chain couldn't handle faster. After refueling the 800, I went to work with the off-brand. Out the corner of my eye I caught my 800 walking around the lot. Not sure if Brian had been twisting its screws or borrowing its bar oil. I guess I will find out next Saturday.
As usual Brian brought a variety of MACs. I believe he and his son ran at least four. I brought my 700 with the brush bow but couldn't find a safe spot to run it so it stayed in the truck.
Father and son at work in "their"wood pile.
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800 on a fueling break.
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That is our armored "bullet proof" Deere skidsteer in the background. I admire the soldiers who would run it though I think I would ask the Sargent for some other duty.
This valuable report is provided through the the generous support of MacNuts like you and Blind Squirrel Falling, one of America's greatest imaginary businesses