It's worse than you think. Trust me. LOL
So I just ordered what appears to be Bob's last 69412 piston for the 7-10. Seems as though there's been a run on those and the 85240 lately. LOL Ordered the 85241 rings and a 65389 pin as well since everything points to the 69030 / 85239 piston using a different pin. My guess without measuring would be that it's just slightly shorter for the bosses in the windowed style piston. He has a shelf full of the later 85240's (which are essentially the same piston with slightly different skirt dimensions) that supersedes the 69412 if anyone was worried about availability. I just wanted to stick with what I've pretty much determined to be the correct parts for the purpose from all the obsessing and IPL rooting.
At any rate, we're gonna find out one way or another if the piston(s) situation has been the problem all along. I'm putting money on it since it has what is essentially a 5-10 / 6-10 three fingered transfer cast iron bore cylinder which calls for a full skirt piston, neither of which show up anywhere in any 7-10 IPL or on any of the piston and ring set lists I've seen for a 7-10.
Let's face it; Mark went way above and beyond with this saw doing everything under the sun trying to get it sorted out...., except changing to a full skirt piston. Thing is there, the prevalent consensus you read / hear these days says the newer 85239 thin-ring 2" piston is the miracle piston for all 70cc 2" applications regardless of cylinder type. Certainly no reason to think otherwise given such a prevailing opinion among most of the more experienced Mac guys out there, including Bob Johnson. And after all, an 85239 / 69030 was what was already in it when Mark acquired the saw. Who would just arbitrarily think of replacing it with a 'wrong' piston? No one..., 'cept maybe me? LOL
I'm certainly not casting aspersions toward Mark here and hope it doesn't appear that way. Quite the contrary. I'm simply theorizing a solution to a problem we were all trying to solve that he simply ran out of time to continue pursuing. He and Kevin already did all the heavy lifting. I'm just changing a piston to test what seems to be the last major theory not yet tried.
Can you guys believe it's been over a year since this saga began? I sure can. Boy, if it wasn't fun...!