MS has given you good tips.
If you had a kit you could clean your carbs HS jet without removing it or doing damage to it, by boiling the carb body in plain old WATER. First you would strip the carb of gaskets and diaphragms, and the LS needle and the Main metering needle that the fulcrum hooks into. Boiling water is the only safe way to clean it of varnish or deposits that have caused it to become more restrictive/lean.
Another option is to change fuel for that saw. It has been my experience that switching to non auto gas option will richen your mixture because aviation fuel or Coleman camp fuel ( I can get Generic Camp fuel marketed by Crown, in WalMart )does not have the trash additives that the trash auto fuel they sell us has. In the states, I can buy generic camp fuel. ( White Gas , Just like what Amaco used to sell as their main line of auto gas some moons ago ). When changing to or running on Camp fuel I find I have to lean my needles an average of 1/4 turn H & L needles because the camp fuel doesn't have all the crap additive to control the burn rate that auto gas has. All of my RC engings regardless of displacment run on Camp fuel. the P51 in the my Avatar has a 89cc Stihl 050 engine in it. That isn't my largest engine either. LOL Another welcome side effect of running good fuel ( camp Fuel ) is it automatically cleans all the carbon from your exhaust port and the engine will come alive within a few quarts of consumption. I like it and have run my saws on it at times because it smells go good.
God hates a Coward but is very tolerant of fools, so take that carb apart. I can send you a complete kit if they are scarce there.