In the interest of the 70 cc ten series cause I stripped my latest Pro Mac 700 acquisition and port timed it.
This saw looks to have never been tampered with, its a 600061B, carb dated 1-79. Thin ring, divided transfer, unbridged exhaust, and in good shape. I will picture it once I run it through my works washing plant next week. Its a right manky thing, despite already been cleaned as best you can intact.
Exhaust opens 100' ATDC - 160' duration.
Transfer opens 117' ATDC giving 17' blow down.
Intake opens 61' BTDC - 122' duration.
As I mentioned earlier, the exhaust / transfer timings are similar to more modern designs. The intake duration is short compared to modern designs. This likely explains the high torque / low rpm characteristic of the 700.
Lets see if we can find some more data - afraid I don't have a 7-10. Mean time I will give some thought about modification. The short intake is an issue. I suspect the exhaust, whist not short on noise, is short on optimal performance. I am prepared to loose some torque at low RPM to pick up some more RPM BHP on this saw. I don't want to turn it to a peaky boggy saw, or end up with excessive reversal on intake - spit back - by over doing intake duration.