Only way to help is a picture of the chain, top and side view.
I got frustrated and hand filed the chain so no pictures tonight. I may go through a try it on the grinder again tomorrow and take some pics. It's a sacrificial chain anyway. If a screw it up, no big deal.Only way to help is a picture of the chain, top and side view.
This is what I am getting. Angles are set 60 and 25 and using a 1/8 wheel which I dressed prior to this session (Still on a learning curve for that too) as per the grinder manual. Seems a very deep hook to me. Am I trying to grind too far into the gullet? I am trying to mimic what I do with a file.
My end game is to be able to offer sharpening to my customers but I need to be sure I'm doing a good job first.![]()
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Hmmm, book that came with the grinder does not specify a 3/16 wheel until you get up to .404. Maybe I should step up.3/8 chain should use a 3/16" wheel. 3/8 LP and .325 use the 1/8" wheel.
Hmmm, book that came with the grinder does not specify a 3/16 wheel until you get up to .404. Maybe I should step up.
Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
By the looks of the rest of that bearing bore and whatever else is on (or off of) the cylinder wall, I'd say it has bigger problems than just that crack.
Yeah, it had a pretty good scuff there, but I wanted to see what I could get out of it. It was actually giving me hope until I found this - I think it's time to turn that jug in for scrap now.
Good to see you've got yours up and running!
Mark is on target. Thickness of the wheel makes a big difference. I had a mismarked Dino wheel, drove me crazy until the day I measured it and found it was slightly undersized. Replaced it and all is good. Gave the wheel to a guy who runs .325 and have heard no complaints. It was slightly bigger than 1/8 if I recall correctly.
One of the things I have found that for some reason causes my grinder to not sharpen correctly is the wheel gets clogged up with oil and sawdust. It will leave a black streak on the grinding wheel. I have a stone (don't remember what it is called right now) But I run it over the stone and cleans the grinding wheel and I can shape it back to spec. A clean wheel will cut smoother and sharper tooth and less heat.30 degrees and 60 degrees is typical. I subscribe to the 'less is better' school of grinding and only remove the material that needs to be removed. Understanding which surfaces of the grinding wheel do what to the different areas of the cutter is a must. The rounded edge of the wheel is for the gullet and the edge of the hook and needs to be adjusted fairly precise with the stops. Don't be afraid to nip the top of the tie straps to get a nice hook and a clean gullet. The side of the wheel is for the face of the cutter. It's common to remove too much material when just learning the subtleties which also means additional work on the rakers to maintain a functioning cutting angle. Also usually results in unnecessary heat to the chain and rapid wear on your wheel. Grinding too much tooth without taking the rakers down isn't gonna cut worth crap no matter how sharp the tooth is. You'll find what works for you. I stick to factory recommendations for the most part. A correctly sharpened chain should look like it came out of the box, just shorter.
BTW, I just used Dirko on the 7-10 exhaust for now. I'll check on a gasket now knowing they're on the earlier saws. Thx.
Thanks for the words Poge. The vise is adjustable for tilt but not to compensate for wheel wear as far as I can tell.That's more like it. I've found these guys to have some of the better prices for stuff. Do yourself a favor and get a template and dressing stick while you're at it. The dressing stick (or block) is a must for keeping the wheel shape correct and de-funking it after doing a dirty chain. I usually do at least a cursory chain cleaning with a wire brush before grinding. Some guys are a lot more anal about it and soak and de-grease and all that stuff. It's faster and easier for me to just clean the damned wheel after a dirty chain and get on to the next one.
If your grinder has an adjustable vise base, there are a few things there you'll want to take into consideration with that feature depending on the available adjustments. The first would be the ability to change the angle to a 10 degree tilt for full chisel chain as some manufacturers suggest. Creates a more uniform cutting face across the full chisel cutter and provides more support under the working corner depending on the design of the cutter. The other handy adjustment is the ability to move the entire vise to accommodate the wheel getting smaller in diameter over time. As it gets smaller, the cutters are contacted with different angles on each side of the chain. There may be a range indicator on the shield that lets you know when you need to consider either adjusting the vise or replacing the wheel.
And do your best to center that wheel before using it (if you must). And if it's vibrating like you say it is, you really shouldn't use it at all. They're brittle and can fly apart...,fast. Always wear eye and hand protection!