Yeah fencing wire, normally hoarders limit it to their house or yard. This guys got 5 acres of garbage , I could just squeeze down the driveway.
We went to look at a truck but being a hoarder everything he had was priced high and he wouldn't negotiate . Some of his 125 parts were for go karts and he had oversize pistons , he was going to get around to building them "one day" though so wouldn't sell. He was also going to restore his army trucks, yacht and motorbikes. Dudes in his 70s and his neighbours understandably despise him, especially since they carved up the farm next to him into lifestyle blocks and gave him a dozen new neighbours. You drive down the road and theres all these nice new houses with landscaped gardens and then this guy and his piles of crap.
Awww man unreal just rusting away in a leaky shed